
Development and Enforcement of Standards States also have the function of screening personnel by establishing standards and hiring procedures, or by requiring Civil Service examinations, certification, or personnel registration programs in recreation and parks.Many states also have developed standards relating to health and safety practices in camping and similar settings. State departments enforce safety cades, promote facilities standards, ensure that recreation resources can accommodate persons with disabilities, regulate or prohibit certain types of commercial amusements, and in some cases carry out regular inspections of camps, swimming pools, resorts, or proprietary institutions that provide leisure services, such as nursing homes or long-term care facilities. All states have camp licensing requirements, and many have camp safety laws that specify requirements for camps within their jurisdictions.Many states have authorized various forms of gambling as a source of revenue. Legalized gambling in New Jersey, for example, generated more than $4 billion in state funds in the years prior to 1988. By 1995, 37 states had initiated state lotteries, with the intention of providing funds for education, the aging, or other state programs. At the same time, such programs have contributed to the growing number of gambling addicts in the United States, which is estimated to have risen to 12 million nationwide. And, contrary to public perception, with the exception of several of the larger states, income from lotteries contributes a relatively small amount of income to state budgets. Many economists regard them as a regressive form of tax--despite their voluntary nature-which is levied on the poor who spend the largest portion of their incomes on the lottery 急 非常感谢 翻完补分 不为其他 仅表谢意

第1个回答  2012-04-17
各国也有通过建立标准和录用程序,或要求公务员考试,认证,或在康乐及parks.Many状态的人员登记方案的功能筛选人员的标准。发展和执行,也制定了有关健康和安全的标准在露营的做法和类似的设置。国家有关部门强制安全cades,促进设施标准,确保游憩资源,可容纳残疾人,管制或禁止某些类型的商业娱乐活动,以及在某些情况下,开展定期巡查营地,游泳池,度假村,或提供的专有机构休闲服务,如养老院或长期护理设施。所有国家都有营地的发牌规定,许多营地安全指定他们jurisdictions.Many州内的难民营要求的法律,授权的收入来源的各种形式的赌博。在新泽西州赌博合法化,例如,生成多万美元的国有资金4亿美元在未来几年,到1988年之前。到1995年,有37个国家发起的国家彩票,教育,老化,或其他国家方案提供资金的意图。同时,这些方案已在美国,据估计全国已上升至12亿美元的赌博成瘾的贡献越来越多。而且,公众的看法相反,除了几个大国,从彩票收入,有助于国家预算的收入相对少量。许多经济学家把他们作为一个倒退的税收形式 - 尽管他们的自愿性质,这是对贫困者花费他们收入的最大部分彩票征收