英语短文翻译 很短 急求,最好不要用翻译软件,有能力者自己翻下,谢谢 会追加高分

2011 4.9

不要用翻译软件> <~

Dear Pro.Brown,
We, School of English, sincerely invite you to join our social gathering party to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Pro.Chen's teaching career, at 7pm next Friday(20th,June).
Your sincere friend
9th, April, 2011
第1个回答  2011-04-08

2011 4.9

第2个回答  2011-04-08
English translation of a short Jiqiu short, it is best not to use translation software, have the ability to turn themselves under the additional score will thank you
- -!
第3个回答  2011-04-08
Dear professor brown
Next Friday, namely, June 20 at 7:00, department of foreign languages plans to have a tea party, celebrate the 30th anniversary of foreign professor is engaged in English teaching process. Invited professor brown to the tea party. We will be happy mood look forward to your visit.

You the sincere friend

2011 4.9
第4个回答  2011-04-08
April 9, 2011

Dear Professor Brown,

You are courteously invited to our tea party to celebrate Professor Cheng's 30th anniversary in teaching (English这需要注明吗?) in this department.

We look forward to your attendance.

Date: Friday, June 20th at 7:00pm,
Place (or Venue): tea party地点
Dress Code: 要告诉受邀者应穿正式 (Formal) 或非正式 (Casual) 的服装
Kindly RSVP to 联络人, 联络电话 – 要请受邀者告知会不会参加
(or Kindly RSVP by 日期, 联络电话)

Yours sincerely,

The Department of Foreign Language
第5个回答  2011-04-09
Dear professor Brown,
To celebrate the 30th year of professor Cheng Englsih teaching, there will be a tea party in foreign laguage department in 7 o'clock, next Friday, June 20th. Hereon we invite you to the party. We are looking forward to your presence.
Yours sincerely friend
April 9th, 2011