跪求!求英语好的翻译一下……我感谢你!拜托了各位 谢谢


Is it because usually I am playful laugh, so good that I cheat? So play me again and again? Am I really that simple? So easy to cheat? I'm sorry I do not want to hear it, make me happy, so happy! I was not happy comes from you, you want me how to get happy. Finally decided to leave, to forget, but you hurt me again. Crying, painful, hurt before, loved, hated. I even have to give up self-esteem. I do not want to say I wish you happiness in the future, then only hope that after six years, I promise to do so, and then dashing away!
第1个回答  2014-10-04
Is it because I usually love laughing and playing, so you think I am good to be cheated? So you keep on playing me? Am I really that simple? So easy to be cheated? I'm sorry I do not want to hear those words that means me happy! My happy does not come from you, so how can i be happy? I have finally decided to leave you, to forget you, but you hurt me once again. I cried, pained, hurted, loved, hated. I even have to give up my self-esteem. I do not want to say I wish you happiness, I only hope that six years later, I am committed to do so, and leave you smartly!