

一、用料(The materials)

Dumpling flour; Water; Pork; Leek; Eggs; Fresh shrimps; Good hair mushrooms; The onion ginger; Sesame oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine; Salt, sugar, chicken essence


二、饺子的做法(Making dumplings)

1、Put the water and flour into a bowl and make a smooth dough,Set aside.


2、Minced meat, add sesame oil, cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, ginger onion mix well.


3、Beat the eggs until done, chop them into small pieces. Mince the shrimps and cut the mushrooms into small pieces.


4、Wash leek, dry slightly, and chop.


5、Add eggs, shrimp, mushrooms and leeks to the minced meat, add the right amount of salt, sugar, chicken essence. It's a delicious filling.


6、Roll dough into long strips, cut into small pieces, about 10 g of flour mixture, roll into a circle. Take the right amount of filling and wrap it in the shape of silver ingot.


7、Pot add water, boil, next dumplings. Cook until the dumplings float up, add a little cold water, and boil again when cooked. It takes about 3 to 5 minutes from the time the dumplings float over the water.


第1个回答  2015-12-05
choose any stuffing you like, any kind of vegitables and meet. cut them into small ones as possible as you can. after that, mixed them with the seasoning you prefer.ps. oil is necessary. 馅,任何你喜欢的馅料。尽可能的切碎,与油 调料 和在一起。
dumpling wrapping,a proper quantity of wheat four and water mixed together.knead dough .after about 30 minute. cut it into parts. then knead it into long ones.then into small ones that is suitable to be rolled into small round ones.饺子皮。适量的水和面和在一起。揉面啊~ 在之后大概30分钟。将面切分成几份,再将其揉成长条状,最后要切成小块,以便将其擀成小的圆面皮。
put the dumpling wrapping on the hollow of the palm. add suitable stuffing on it.fold it into samicircle shape, combined the edges. whatever, the aim is to stop the stufffing from coming out. to be goodlooking,people often make it into different shaps, eg,moon,fish, or like gold ingot etc.把饺子皮放置掌心,放上适量的馅。对折饺子皮 ,将边缘捏合。不管怎么捏,反正目的就是使饺子馅不要漏出来。为了好看呢,人们经常是将其捏成各种各样的形状的,比方说月亮啊 鱼形啊 元宝形啊等等。
不知道对不对啊 我会的词有限。_ _!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2022-04-06
1、Put the water and flour into a bowl and make a smooth dough,Set aside.

2、Minced meat, add sesame oil, cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, ginger onion mix well.

3、Beat the eggs until done, chop them into small pieces. Mince the shrimps and cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
4、Wash leek, dry slightly, and chop.

5、Add eggs, shrimp, mushrooms and leeks to the minced meat, add the right amount of salt, sugar, chicken essence. It's a delicious filling.

6、Roll dough into long strips, cut into small pieces, about 10 g of flour mixture, roll into a circle. Take the right amount of filling and wrap it in the shape of silver ingot.
7、Pot add water, boil, next dumplings. Cook until the dumplings float up, add a little cold water, and boil again when cooked. It takes about 3 to 5 minutes from the time the dumplings float over the water.