
1. Where can we a better life, in the cities or in the countryside of China?
2. Do you agree that “Money talks”? What are the things that money can not buy?
3. What books do you read in your span time? Can you introduce one of the books you like best?

1, For me as a young man, I prefer to live in the cities of China because I can get better jobs and more potential development opportunities. When I get older, however, I may move to the countryside to get a more peaceful life there.

2,It's true that money is important, but it can never get me everything that matters in my life. For example, happiness, memory, love and friendship.

3,As for me,Jane Eyre is my favourite. It is a beautiful love story between two totally different people. What makes it different is that it shows the idea of feminism, which is rarely seen in its time.
第1个回答  2011-01-03
1. 在哪里我们可以生活的更好,中国的城市还是乡村?
2. 你同意“金钱万能”这句话呢?什么东西是我们用钱买不到的?
3. 你在空闲时间看什么书?可以介绍一本你最喜欢的给我吗?
第2个回答  2011-01-03
Rural China
Old Man
第3个回答  2011-01-03
1.I think in the countryside ,because in the cities ,there is much pollution which is not good for our health, in the countryside ,we can breath the fresh air
2.I don't agree . happiness ,friendship ,honesty and so on
3.novels, for example ,Alice's Adventures in Wonderland