
1. Many people lay there screaming in a________ after the bomb explosion.2. They e___________ that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2006.3. Singapore is still our most popular holiday d_________.4. Many pop stars try to improve their public i______ by participating in charity events.5. I a__________ that the total cost for the treatment of the disease will go from 5000 dollars to 8000 dollars.6. Put a tie on ----- it’ll make you look more r_________.7. The little boy who had broken a neighbor’s window ran away to a_____ punishment.8. I u_____ my cousin to take a year off to study drawing.9. We have already used up all the a_______ space. 10. I have a dictionary on my desk for easy r__________. 11. Hemingway is known for his s_________ writing style. 12. The Fall of the Roman Empire was written in historical s__________. 13. There are many a__________ against smoking. 14. He'd known the old man for p__________ ten years. 15. If you c__________ wisely, you’ll be obeyed cheerfully. 16. "As time is limited, we will have to s_____ some of the exercises in Unit 10,' said the teacher. 17. My farmer parents have never expected me to make novel writing my c______. 18. His interest in writing came from a long c__________ with a close friend. 19. Speeding in downtown areas v________ traffic regulations. 20. Losing my job left me completely c________; I was so upset that I didn't know what to do.

    agony 2. estimate  3. destination  4. image  5. anticipate  6. respectable  7. avoid  8. urged

9. available 10 reference 11. 不会  12. sequence  13. arguments  14. practically  15. command  16. skip  17. career  18. correspondence  19 violates   20 choked up




第1个回答  2014-12-11
2.我不清楚你为什么理解成:我真的不能突然理解他的离开。大概是五种基本句型没有了解透彻吧。本句是典型的S V O C句型。
V(谓语)=really can't understand
O(宾语)=his leaving
C(宾语补足语)=so suddenly
其中宾语补足语修饰宾语,知道这里就可以轻易看出so suddenly是修饰his leaving的。即“突然离开”。
第2个回答  2014-12-10
1 astonishment
2 estimate
3 distination
4 image
5 assume
6 reliable
7 avoid
8 urged
9 available
10 reference.
11 severe
13 arguments
14 practically
15 command
16 skip
17 career
18 correspondence
19 violates
20 choked