

According to the internal marketing concepts, the internal market is employees incentive they pay attention to serve customers the best motivator.

So-called internal marketing, it is to use a marketing means to management company employees method.

Internal marketing concepts can through the following four in reality to operate: first, establish service culture;

Second, in human resources management, no matter in hiring employees, or in employee training plans and adopt a marketing ploy,

Third, staff to distribute marketing knowledge,

Four, implement rewards and recognition mechanism.

Listen to the guest's opinion, and according to the guest's requirements to improve service is very important.

A hotel to make their products extraordinary, it must seek improvement in service system.

If the guest's eyes, hotel service different, can give hotels add many tangible and intangible value.
第1个回答  2011-03-12
According to the concept of internal marketing, internal marketing staff encourage them to focus on customer service is the best motivation. The so-called internal marketing, is a means of marketing to the management company employee. The concept of internal marketing can be in reality, the following four steps: First, establish a service culture; Second, in human resources management, in terms of employment of staff or staff training programs, and adopt a marketing tool; Third, dissemination of marketing knowledge to the staff; Fourth, the implementation of reward and recognition mechanism.
Listen to the views of customers, and improve services according to the requirements of the guests is very important. If you want a hotel to make their products unique, it must seek to improve the service system. If the eyes of the guests, the hotel's services unique to the hotel can add a lot of tangible and intangible value.
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Reference: Anonymous answers submitted answer.

第2个回答  2011-03-13