

Hello, my name is xxx and I’m from class 10 grade 7.Its my honor to be here. I’m a gentle and quiet girl (boy), but I always be happy every day. I like to listen the music because I would be delight while listening. I also enjoy sports, jogging is my favorite. And I also like painting and paper-cut. I usually sent my paper-cut works to my friends. I love to eat dessert, but not quite enjoy salty food. My parents are engineer. My hometown is a lovely place, mountains and rivers abound. I love my hometown very much. Maybe Im not the best in my class, but I work very hard to be the best one. And I hope I could get this opportunity, Thanks!
楼上的答案貌似还不如我这个呢。。。。 纠结的话投票觉定答案追问

我很高兴能站在这里,能不能写成I am happy to stand here?
Maybe Im 是不是Maybe I am?


i'm 就是I am

第1个回答  2011-03-03
Hello, I am seven (10) class of XXX, I'm very glad to be standing here, my little gentle and quiet, but I be happy everyday. I like listening to music, for listening to music while I feel very happy, and I also like sports, my favorite sport is running. I can draw and paper-cut, I always keep my paper-cut works for my friends. I like to eat sweet food, don't like the salty things. My mum and dad are engineers. My hometown is a beautiful place, have water, I love my hometown. In my class I dare not to say that I was the best, but I work hard and strive to do the best. I hope I can get this chance, thank you!

第2个回答  2011-03-03
Hello, I am seven (10) class of XXX, I'm very glad to be standing here, my little gentle and quiet, but I be happy everyday. I like listening to music, for listening to music while I feel very happy, and I also like sports, my favorite sport is running. I can draw and paper-cut, I always keep my paper-cut works for my friends. I like to eat sweet food, don't like the salty things. My mum and dad are engineers. My hometown is a beautiful place, have water, I love my hometown. In my class I dare not to say that I was the best, but I work hard and strive to do the best. I hope I can get this chance, thank you!