
Abstrace—The elecreic power industry is in transition to a deregulated marketplace for power transactions. In this environment,all power transactions are made based on price rather than cost.A regional power pool(we refer to it as a Pool throughout this paper)is noted as the most straightforward path to a deregulated electricity marketplace.However,manyuestions remain unanswered regarding the economics of Pool participation.In a deregulated energy marketplace,participants are interested in manimizing their own profits,regardless of the system-wide profits.It is perceived that the competition will reduce the price of elecritcity for retail customers,however,the key issue for participants is related with the price definition to remain competitive.In this paper,we use the game theory to simulate the decision making process for defining offered prices in a deregulated environment.The outcome of this study may be used by Pool coordinators to discourage unfair coalitions.A modified IEEE 30 bus system is used as a deregulated power pool to illustrate the main features of the proposed method.
Keywords—Power System Operation,Deregulated Power Pools,Spot Pricing,Game Theory,Network Constraints.

A Simulation Model for a Competitive Generation Market
Abstract—The simulation of a wholesale electricity market should go beyond a simple optimization based on the operating costs of the generating units.A model of a competitive electricity market must consider the market structure,the strategy of the market participants and any other factor that lead to prices different from costs.This paper presents COSMEE,a model of a wholesale electricity market based on simple bids,that cstimates expected bid prices and quantities,system hourly prices and generation schedules,taking into account the bidding strategies of geneators and the structure of the market.The model reflects the profit-maximizing behavior o the maket agents,subject to different types of constraints.COSMEE has been used to simulate a real wholesale market.
Index Terms—Agent’s behavior,intertemporal links,iterative equilibrium,marginal price,simple bids.

交易分析在被解除管制的动力系统使用博奕论 Abstrace-The elecreic 电力工业是在与一个被解除管制的市场的转折为力量交易。在这个环境里, 所有力量交易被做根据价格而不是cost.A 地方力量pool(we 提到它作为一个水池在这过程中paper)is 被注意作为最直接的道路对被解除管制的电marketplace.However, manyuestions 保留未回答关于水池经济participation.In 每被解除管制的能量市场, 参加者是对manimizing 他们自己的赢利感兴趣, 不管竞争将减少elecritcity 的价格为零售顾客, 然而, 主要问题为参加者被关系以价格定义依然是competitive.In 本文, 我们使用博奕论模仿决策过程为定义报价在一个被解除管制的environment.The 结果的profits.It system-wide 被察觉修改过的IEEE 30 总线系统被使用作为一个被解除管制的力量水池说明提出的方法的主要特点。 主题词力量系统操作, 被解除管制的力量水池, 斑点定价, 博奕论, 网络限制。 模仿模型为一个竞争世代市场 一个批发电市场的抽象这模仿应该超出简单的优化范围根据一个竞争电市场的引起的units.A 模型的营业成本必须考虑市场结构, 市场参加者的战略并且导致价格与costs.This 纸礼物COSMEE, 一个批发电市场模型不同根据简单的出价的其他因素, cstimates 期待了出价和数量, 系统每小时价格并且世代预定, 考虑到geneators 出价的战略和market.The 模型的结构反射profit-maximizing 行为o maket 代理, 依于不同的类型constraints.COSMEE 被使用模仿一个真正的批发市场ccount the bidding strategies of geneators and the structure of the market.The model reflects the profit-maximizing behavior o the maket agents, subject to different types of constraints.COSMEE has been usedto simulate a real wholesale market. 标注期限代理的行为, 世俗间的链接, 重申平衡,少量的价格, 简单的出价。