
Charlie Chaplin spent over 70 years acting both on stages and in films.But do you know how he began his artistia career?
When Charlie was 5 years old,his father died.His mother,though she was rather ill,had to go on with her work as a singer in order to make a living and she took Charlie along with her because no one took care of him at home .
Once when she was giving a performance on the stage,something chokedhre throat,and she could not go on.People whistled and shouted. At this time ,little Charlie ran to the stage and stood by his mother. he wanted to help his mother .he cleverly sang as hie mother did .he acted so good that audience all lagughed merrily. they tossed coins to the stage for his humorous acting and pleasing voice.
Seeing this, little Charlie said to the audience,“what till I pick them up ,please。”all the audience burse out laughing at his words。when the boss helped him and left the stage,Charlie said,“the boss must have put the money into his pockets,I have to go to ask him。”and he didi leave the stage for a while 。the audience laughed themselves to tears at his performance 。form then on they welcomed little Charliewherever he went。this was how Charlie began hia career。

Charlie Chaplin在演艺界和电影界已经活跃了将近70年,你想知道他的演艺生涯是如何开始的吗?
当他还只是5岁的时候,他的父亲就去世了.同时母亲也病倒了,但是为了生计,还是拖着虚弱的身体继续她的演唱工作,由于家里只有小查里一个人 所以 为了比较方便地照顾他,他妈妈就把他带在了身边.
有一次,当他妈妈在演出的时候,喉咙被卡住了,唱不出歌来,于是台下的观众就开始起哄,就在这个时候,小查里跑到了舞台上,站在他妈妈身边,他想帮助妈妈.于是 聪明的他灵机一动,学着以前他妈妈的表演唱起歌来,富有唱歌天赋的又幽默的他让全场的观众都快乐起来,他们向场上扔硬币,看到这一幕,小查里对观众们说道请等等让我把这些钱拣起来的再说" 于是全场的观众被他的幽默搞地暴笑.当老板要把他弄下台时,他对观众说:'老板肯定是把我的钱揣进了他的口袋,不行,我得去问问他."然后离开了舞台一会儿.全场的观众被他的表演弄的笑的眼泪都流出来了,从此以后,无论在哪里,小查里都受到观众的欢迎,于是,查里的演艺生涯从此开始了.
第1个回答  2007-07-15
Charlie Chaplin spent over 70 years acting both on stages and in films Charlie Chaplin在电影和舞台上70多年.But do you know how he began his artistia career?但是你知道他是怎样开始他的演绎生涯的吗?When Charlie was 5 years old,his father died在Chaplin5岁的时候,他的爸爸去世了.His mother,though she was rather ill,had to go on with her work as a singer in order to make a living and she took Charlie along with her because no one took care of him at home 他的妈妈,虽然重病缠身,但是为了维持生活她去做一个歌手(俗称卖唱的)并带Chaplin在身边因为在家里没有人照顾他.Once when she was giving a performance on the stage,something chokedhre throat,and she could not go on.People whistled and shouted. At this time ,little Charlie ran to the stage and stood by his mother. he wanted to help his mother .he cleverly sang as hie mother did .he acted so good that audience all lagughed merrily. they tossed coins to the stage for his humorous acting and pleasing voice一次在她在舞台上演出的时候,嗓子被什么东西堵住了(嗓子出问题了),并且不能继续下去了,台下一片嘘声,这时他跑出来站在他母亲的旁边象他妈妈唱的一样好,他表演的是那么好把在场的观众都乐透了,他们把钱投向舞台作为他优异表演的奖励并报以热烈的掌声.Seeing this, little Charlie said to the audience,“what till I pick them up ,please。”all the audience burse out laughing at his words。when the boss helped him and left the stage,Charlie said,“the boss must have put the money into his pockets,I have to go to ask him。”and he didi leave the stage for a while 。the audience laughed themselves to tears at his performance 。form then on they welcomed little Charliewherever he went。this was how Charlie began hia career看到这个场面,他说‘(钱和掌声)请到我捡起它的时候再停止’所有的观众再次被他的话逗乐了.老板帮他捡起了钱并离开了舞台,他说‘老板把钱放自己口袋了我德去找他’然后离开舞台,观众被他逗的眼泪都笑出来了,从那时起他无论走到哪里都受到观众的欢迎和喜爱,他就是这样开始演艺生涯的