谁能帮我翻译一篇文章 谢谢 关于茶的

Tea Research
1. The basics
· 1.1. What is tea?
· 1.2. What are the different kinds of tea?
· 1.2.1. What are some of the most popular varieties?
· 1.2.2. What about herbal teas?
· 1.3. Where does tea come from?
· 1.3.1. Is any tea grown commercially in other regions?
· 1.3.2. Where did the name 'tea' come from?
· 1.4. How is tea produced?
1.1. What is tea?
Tea is a drink made by infusing leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis, or Thea sinensis) in hot water. The name 'tea' is also used to refer to the leaves themselves; and it is also the name of a mid- to late-afternoon meal in the British Isles and associated countries, at which tea (the drink) is served along with various foods.
1.2. What are the different kinds of tea?
The three main categories are green, black, and oolong. All three kinds are made from the same plant species. The major differences between them are a result of the different processing methods they undergo. Black teas undergo several hours of oxidation in their preparation for market; oolongs receive less oxidation, and green teas are not oxidized at all.
There are, of course, many different varieties within these three main categories.
1.2.2. What about herbal teas?
Hundreds of different herbs have been used in beverages. These are sometimes called herbal teas. Tea professionals and connoisseurs usually prefer to restrict the name 'tea' to real tea, so you may see the following names used as well:
A) 'Herbal infusion', which simply means a drink made by steeping an herb in hot water. (Tea itself is an infusion of tea leaves.)
B) 'Tisane' [pronounced tee-ZAHN], which in French means any herbal drink.
Some common herbs that are used as tisanes are peppermint, chamomile, rose hips, lemon verbena, and fennel. A number of companies specialize in producing herbal blends. Many tea companies also sell tisanes.
Some exaggerated claims have been made for the medicinal properties of herbal infusions. Even so, some herbs do have generally recognized benefits. For instance, rose hips contain vitamin C; chamomile helps many people relax; and peppermint has a noticeable soothing effect on the stomach. Herbs can also cause problems. Chamomile, for example, can cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to ragweed.

Tea Research 茶的研究
1. The basics 基本问题
· 1.1. What is tea? 什么是茶
· 1.2. What are the different kinds of tea? 茶有哪些不同种类?】
· 1.2.1. What are some of the most popular varieties? 其中最流行的几种茶都是什么
· 1.2.2. What about herbal teas? 中草药茶怎么样
· 1.3. Where does tea come from? 茶出自哪儿
· 1.3.1. Is any tea grown commercially in other regions? 在其他地区,不管种什么茶都是为了商业目的吗?
· 1.3.2. Where did the name 'tea' come from? 茶的名称是怎么来的
· 1.4. How is tea produced? 茶是怎么制作的
1.1. What is tea? 什么是茶
Tea is a drink made by infusing leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis, or Thea sinensis) in hot water.
The name 'tea' is also used to refer to the leaves themselves; and it is also the name of a mid- to late-afternoon meal in the British Isles and associated countries, at which tea (the drink) is served along with various foods.
1.2. What are the different kinds of tea? 茶有哪些不同种类?
The three main categories are green, black, and oolong. All three kinds are made from the same plant species.
The major differences between them are a result of the different processing methods they undergo. Black teas undergo several hours of oxidation in their preparation for market; oolongs receive less oxidation, and green teas are not oxidized at all.
There are, of course, many different varieties within these three main categories.
1.2.2. What about herbal teas?中草药茶是怎么回事
Hundreds of different herbs have been used in beverages. These are sometimes called herbal teas. Tea professionals and connoisseurs usually prefer to restrict the name 'tea' to real tea, so you may see the following names used as well:
A) 'Herbal infusion', which simply means a drink made by steeping an herb in hot water. (Tea itself is an infusion of tea leaves.)
B) 'Tisane' [pronounced tee-ZAHN], which in French means any herbal drink.
Some common herbs that are used as tisanes are peppermint, chamomile, rose hips, verbena, and fennel. A number of companies specialize in producing herbal blends. Many tea companies also sell tisanes.
Some exaggerated claims have been made for the medicinal properties of herbal infusions. Even so, some herbs do have generally recognized benefits.
For instance, rose hips contain vitamin C; chamomile helps many people relax; and peppermint has a noticeable soothing effect on the stomach. Herbs can also cause problems. Chamomile, for example, can cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to ragweed.
第1个回答  2007-06-08
茶叶研究1 . 基本•1.1 . 是什么茶? •1.2 . 有什么不同种类的茶? •1.2.1 . 有些什么样的最受欢迎的品种? •1.2.2 . 什么凉茶? 1.3 . 哪里茶从哪里来? •1.3.1 . 任何茶商业,在其他地区? •1.3.2 . 哪里的名字'茶'从何而来? •1.4 . 如何茶制作? 1.1 . 是什么茶? 茶是喝了喂树叶的茶树(茶树,或茗)热水. 名字'茶'也是紫气东来的树叶; 这也是名称的中期至晚期午餐,在英伦三岛及相关国家 在茶(饮料)送达随着各种食品. 1.2 . 有什么不同种类的茶? 三大类是绿,黑,乌龙. 这三种都是从同一植物物种. 主要的差异是由于不同的处理方法,他们接受. 红茶经过几个小时的氧化准备市场; oolongs获得较少氧化, 茶和绿茶都不会氧化,在所有. 有,当然有很多不同的品种,在这三大类. 1.2.2 . 什么凉茶? 上百种中草药已用于饮料. 这些有时被称为凉茶. 茶叶专业人士及玩家通常倾向于限制的名字'茶'幻影茶 所以你可能会看到下面的名字作为:一) '中药输液' , 这就是喝了浸泡了草药温泉水. (茶叶本身是一种输液茶叶) . 二) ' tisane '宣判三通浓缩] ,而在法国是指任何草药喝. 一些常见的草药,作为tisanes是薄荷,甘菊,玫瑰髋,柠檬美女,茴香. 许多公司专门生产中草药共混物. 许多茶叶公司也出售tisanes . 一些夸张的债权已作药用性能中药输液. 即使如此,有些中药是有公认的利益. 比如,玫瑰髋含有维生素C ; 甘菊帮助许多人放松; 和薄荷有明显的缓和作用于胃部. 中草药也会造成问题. 甘菊,例如,可引起过敏反应的人,过敏豚草.
第2个回答  2007-06-09
(1)What are the different kinds of tea? 不同的茶都是什么——【茶有哪些不同种类?】