






这三个语言共通的特色是:简单,好用,跨平台。这三个语言只是我给各位的建议,你也可以多听听别人的意见。在选定一个程序语言之后,就要执着,不可以很快放弃,又改学另一个程序语言,否则永远都只懂皮毛。有句谚语是这么说的:「A Jack-of-all-trades is master of none」。如果你号称会C++、Java、…等十种程序语言,只不过每种程序语言都停留在Say Hello的阶段,相信面谈主管很快就会对你Say Goodbye。


现在RAD工具软件盛行,Visual Basic、Delphi、JBuilder、VisualAge、VisualCafe都是。有了RAD工具,只要「把组件拖放到窗口上,再设定相关选项」程序就完成一大半了。许多硬底子的程序员颇不以为然,认为初学者使用RAD工具不是好习惯,不过我倒不这么认为。我认为RAD工具可以降低初学者学习的门槛,提高兴趣。只是,在你学会「拖放并设定组件」的简单步骤之后,应该要找机会精进自己,弄懂内部的机制,不然不仅会有一种不踏实的感觉,甚至有许多程序会写不出来。我再强调一次:RAD可以当初学者入门的工具,但小心不要使它变成让你停滞不前的桎梏。








不用翻译的很准确 大概意思对就OK了
我急着用啊 谢谢了

Field how to enter programming

Train interest

The entertainment union working , studying , drawing is in time only is capable to do the ter being
others together. Very much, this lucky , can with being regarded as the job making money , the
subject matter studying programming, and in leisure moments activity lying fallow. But be not that
everyone is lucky to can be such, I believe that everybody all can should become interest at least
with it. Believe in me , adjust your state of mind, that it should become is interest, but is not
hard and unprofitable job thing, you are not that the progress discovering you increases with each
passing day.

Choose program language carefully

Program language is very important to , electing carefully to come to say the beginner, one program language very difficult to begin to go to school is very easy to be encountered to the setback but be given up by you. You can pick the easy to compare and amusing language assistant , suggest that you can be alternative from the following language middle:

Java: Simple , easy to use , hold out a lot of platform , use have
future very broad , suitable. Can be regarded as the access board
studying C + +'s. Python: , support a lot of platform very simple ,
easy to use. Abroad very red , be put into use in Taiwan very few
person. REBOL: Concept is new and original , amusing , supports a
lot of platform very simple , easy to use.

This applicable to both or all three language characteristics are: , stride over platform simple , easy to use. This three language however the suggestion that I give everybody, you can't can the idea listening to others many. After a selected program language, should be tenacious right away , being not able to give up very quickly , switch over to learn another program language , knowing fur otherwise forever. Have the sentence proverb to be that such speaks: `A Jack-of-all-trades is master of none'. If you are known as meeting C + + , Java, Wait for ten kinds program language, every kind of program language remains only in Say Hello stage , believe in to discuss face to face person in charge is therefore likely very quickly to your Say Goodbye.

Think that you learn to be skill in some program language , want to learn another program language again and then , your meeting is discovered having had a front solid basis of program language , is learn any new program language all very quickly.

Use the appropriate exploitation implement RAD now implement software to be in vogue, Visual Basic
, Delphi , JBuilder , VisualAge , VisualCafe all are. `Set up relevance option procedure again on
having had the RAD implement, to arrive at window as long as with module drag and drop' having
accomplished major part. Only a lot of tough foundation programmer highly disapproves of sth ,
think that the beginner uses the RAD implement to be not to be fond of being accustomed, I but do
not think in this way. I think that the RAD implement can reduce the threshold that the beginner
studies , improve interest. Be only self, in you ought to should be enterprising looking for a
chance after the simple step learning `drag and drop and setting up a module', do it know internal
mechanism, not only not the case being able to have one kind of feeling no steady and sure, have a
lot of procedure to be able to write not coming out even. I emphasize that once more: But RAD is
not bad scholar ABC in the originally implement, does not make it become the fetters and handcuffs
let you be at a standstill be careful about.

A lot of exploitation implement all has the edition free of charge to can down now be loaded with, the beginner it would be well if Dorcas makes use of.

Reinforce the English reading ability reinforcing
English having nothing to do with to worshiping and
having blind faith in things foreign , be to have it is
actual value but. A lot of information all is to want
the data looking at English directly, because of Chinese
printing plate may not.

This is not a reason. Nobody lifetime comes down being therefore likely to read English , is 1.1 to accumulate up a reading ability's. Give self a chance , look for all the parallel separate word grammar simplicity, and few page number books assistants one capital, very quickly which your separate word that can discover technology books it is to be in a repeated emergence , one point is not all difficult to read such a book.

Solve a problem as by self as possible

Come across problem , can discuss that area goes to ask for advice others to home and abroad relevance , understand that if the attitude is modest, and the problem recounts, the predecessor who believe in many being experienced may be happy to participate in very much discuss that. However,- ? any comes across problem asking a question right away , this is not a good deed, have lost oneself ability to solve problems because you are able to be dependent on others therefore Yue Lai Yue . Self ought to be attempting to find out an answer coming consulting a book , writing procedure doing an experiment , reading the primitive code even. When having no choice but but asking others for advice really about one like this,ability is also comparatively thorough discuss that.

Write procedure much

Learn can not to read a book programming , will follow procedure attached CD Rom by book to carry out an once, will regard as self having already learned. Ought to begin to write a little procedure, and grow from a small beginning into a mighty, arrive at from the simplicity complicated. Look for a few amusing examination questions to (let us say: Calculator , step on a mine , young painter , Russia block), driving force being able to be advanced writing procedure.

Conclusion one-tenths of cultivation, harvest one mark , use to method , persevere. Each the progress reviewing self for the half a year since during this paragraph, believe that you also may criticize `me' very gladly achieving!
第1个回答  2006-12-04
第2个回答  2006-12-04