

With modern electroplating industrial development, three-phase high power factor rectifier circuit research in recent years has become a research hotspot, This paper is to design a keyboard can input parameters and the parameters of a three-phase power source electroplating current adjustment device. P89LPC938 SCM system to control as a core function with the corresponding circuit (such as screen, keyboard, protection), with software used in the C programming language structure SCM procedures, P89LPC938 use of the powerful function of coordinating the various parts together, realize the whole system needed to complete the function, system can be simplified through the keyboard input to regulate electroplating current adjustment of the output voltage, auxiliary functions to instructions, protection circuits, allowing the system to work is stable, reliable(随着现代电镀工业的发展,三相高功率因数整流电路的研究近年来成为研究热点,本文就是设计一只可以通过键盘输入参数的并且有参数显示的三相动力电源的电镀电流调整器。系统以P89LPC938单片机作为控制核心,结合相应的功能电路(如显示、键盘、保护)组成,在软件方面采用C语言编程构造单片机程序,利用P89LPC938的强大功能使各个部分协调的结合在一起,共同实现整个系统所需要完成的功能,系统可以简便的通过键盘输入来调节电镀电流调整器的输出电压,辅助以功能指示,保护等电路,使系统工作稳定、可靠。)
第1个回答  2007-07-01
With modern electroplating industrial development, three-phase high power factor rectifier circuit research in recent years has become a research hotspot, This paper is to design a keyboard can input parameters and the parameters of a three-phase power source electroplating current adjustment device. P89LPC938 SCM system to control as a core function with the corresponding circuit (such as screen, keyboard, protection), with software used in the C programming language structure SCM procedures, P89LPC938 use of the powerful function of coordinating the various parts together, realize the whole system needed to complete the function, system can be simplified through the keyboard input to regulate electroplating current adjustment of the output voltage, auxiliary functions to instructions, protection circuits, allowing the system to work stable and reliable.
Along with the modern galvanization industry development, thethree-phase power factor levelling circuit research became theresearch hot spot in recent years, this article is designs to beallowed and to have the three-phase power power source galvanizationcurrent regulator through the keyboard entry parameter which theparameter demonstrated. The system by the P89LPC938 monolithicintegrated circuit took the control core, unifies the correspondingfunction electric circuit (for example demonstration, keyboard,protection) composes, uses the C language programming structuremonolithic integrated circuit procedure in the software aspect, causeseach part of coordination using the P89LPC938 formidable function tounify in together, together realizes the function which the overallsystem needs to complete, the system may simple adjust thegalvanization current regulator through the keyboard entry the outputvoltage, assists to the function instructed, protects and so on theelectric circuit, stably causes the system work, to be reliable.
第2个回答  2007-06-28
Along with the modern galvanization industry development, thethree-phase power factor levelling circuit research became theresearch hot spot in recent years, this article is designs to beallowed and to have the three-phase power power source galvanizationcurrent regulator through the keyboard entry parameter which theparameter demonstrated. The system by the P89LPC938 monolithicintegrated circuit took the control core, unifies the correspondingfunction electric circuit (for example demonstration, keyboard,protection) composes, uses the C language programming structuremonolithic integrated circuit procedure in the software aspect, causeseach part of coordination using the P89LPC938 formidable function tounify in together, together realizes the function which the overallsystem needs to complete, the system may simple adjust thegalvanization current regulator through the keyboard entry the outputvoltage, assists to the function instructed, protects and so on theelectric circuit, stably causes the system work, to be reliable.
第3个回答  2007-06-19
Because the modern electroplates an industrial development, three mutually high power factors commutate the research of electric circuit to be in recent years come studying heat to order, this text is to design a can only with pass a keyboard importation parameter of and have a parameter manifestation of three mutually the motive power supply electroplate electric current regulator.The system uses the P89 LPC938 single slice machine as and control core, combining homologous function electric circuit(such as manifestation, keyboard, protection) and constituting, adopting the C language plait distance and constructing a single slice machine procedure in the software aspect, the strong function which makes use of the P89 LPC938 makes each part harmonious of combine and carry out the whole system together and together the function that need to be completed, the system can pass a keyboard importation simplely to regulate and electroplate the exportation electric voltage of the electric current regulator, lending support to and indicating by function, protection etc. electric circuit, make the system work stabilize, credibility

第4个回答  2007-07-02

Along with the modern galvanization industry development, thethree-phase power factor levelling circuit research became theresearch hot spot in recent years, this article is designs to beallowed and to have the three-phase power power source galvanizationcurrent regulator through the keyboard entry parameter which theparameter demonstrated. The system by the P89LPC938 monolithicintegrated circuit took the control core, unifies the correspondingfunction electric circuit (for example demonstration, keyboard,protection) composes, uses the C language programming structuremonolithic integrated circuit procedure in the software aspect, causeseach part of coordination using the P89LPC938 formidable function tounify in together, together realizes the function which the overallsystem needs to complete, the system may simple adjust thegalvanization current regulator through the keyboard entry the outputvoltage, assists to the function instructed, protects and so on theelectric circuit, stably causes the system work, to be reliable.