100高分 求高手人工翻译这段文字!!跪求,在线等~~~ 不要翻译软件的~~~


第1个回答  2011-06-06
She minority clothing, the folk skill has distinct national characteristics, pure thick local flavor and rich flavor of life, has strong artistic expression, is the important part of minority culture. The traditional dress she is the blue color, material for making ramie fabric home more than residential areas, dress style for the different types of diversiform, design, distinct. This thesis research aim is to minority culture, thorough understanding its dress and craftsmanship lengthy investigation and study, make everyone can understand the minority bright system, a complete cognitive cultural minority clothing and its traditional craftsmanship. In this study the author has used the literature collection, field investigation, she people visit, factory learning visit methods for the minority clothing culture, and its all kinds of ancient manual dexterity these two aspects of system analysis and description and integration of ancient culture, that she could be preserved, skill preserved.
第2个回答  2011-06-06
这下面都是机器的啊 你能不能等一等? 我明天后天高考 高考完再帮你行不行?我今天翻译太多了 数学都还没复习