

The demand alone is not enough, the traditional definition of advertising is advertising emphasis on the other side is the message, ultimately achieve sales goals. This definition to traditional media (mainly refers to newspapers, magazines, television and radio) advertising is very appropriate, However, the network news media today, problems have emerged. The largest online media properties is that they are interactive, and the mode of information dissemination rather than a one-way transmission of two-way communication. The network media for advertising, in order to reach their goal, to rely solely on one side to the other demands is not enough. Only at the right time to pass the message through to the target audience and get the audience's response thus the two sides to exchange really achieve advertising effectiveness. Traditional media has always tried to achieve such results, In fact unsatisfactory results and interpersonal interaction and interpersonal interaction letter is a message sender and the receiver of information between the two-way communication, such as Internet online chat, email exchanges, bbs exchanges. This interaction can be both real-time, online chat; There should be a time lag, such as email and bbs .. In traditional media, the only information from the sender to the receiver transmission, such interaction is very difficult to achieve. Letters to interactive means of information between the receiver and information exchange. In traditional media, the recipient of virtually no information on what the right to choose, they only can do is to choose particular juncture newspapers, look at what channels. However, interactive media, information not only for the right to choose, but also control. They can be customized information, the information can change the content and form. For example, network search engines, is the recipient of information of interest to their own customized information; Through the network to send greeting cards, the sender can choose their favorite music, pictures or animation, which combined a new card sent to a friend. through email to customized news, daily interest received their news personality, and so on. Interactive consumers are three degrees of cognitive factors on interactive advertising network plays a crucial role : consumer involvement, advertising personality, advertisers and consumers the ability to communicate in real time. The higher the degree of involvement, the stronger our interactive; The more personalized, more interactive strong; Real-time communication ability is stronger, interactive will be. Through the experiment, I also received the following conclusions : interactive advertising network impact consumer awareness is one of the important factors; interactive advertising network, the higher consumer advertising on the network's attitude better; interactive advertising network, the higher the Consumer advertising of the brand products better; interactive advertising network, the higher the tendency of consumers to purchase more strongly. Interaction After the era of advertising keywords Beijing University Professor Chen Gang, "after the advertising era -- the era of network advertising space," a text , first proposed the "advertisement" concept : "The reason why we proposed the concept of advertising. To show just as a suspect, the thinker, but I hope it is an attitude of the builders, It was at various times by the new network of factors affecting the infiltration and constantly changing advertising space to find and explore a new world order and logic of survival. network and achieve triggered a media revolution. As a result of this revolutionary move on the core is the 'interactive'. "After the advertisement, Advertising made in the future more accurately define, on the one hand, the future advertising is a continuation of traditional advertising, Meanwhile meet future changes in society and the media to the more interactive form of advertising.
第1个回答  2007-04-28
The list is is not enough by a the square's claim, the definition of the tradition advertisement mainly is emphasize that the advertisement is one square that the information to another one square inform, end attain the purpose of the sale.Defining thus traditional medium( a newspaper, magazine, television and broadcast) advertisement is very fitting, however today that the network medium appear, the problem appeared.The biggest characteristic in the network medium lies in its interaction, the dissemination method of the information is not one-way to deliver but is double to communication.Advertise on the network medium, to want to attain the purpose, depend on one square only to another a the square's claim is not enough, only informing the information to be subjected to for target at appropriate time many and be be subjected to respond to thus become a pair of directionses manily of exchanges then can be real to attain to advertise the result.The traditional medium try to carry out this kind of result always, but actually the result does not fulfil person's idea
The human relations interaction and person believes the interaction
The human relations interaction mean that the information dispatcher and informations receive the double between toward communication, if on-line chat in the Internet, the email exchanges, the bbs exchanges etc..This kind of interaction since can be a solid hour of, such as the on-line chat; also can have the certain time partition, such as the email and bbses..In traditional medium, information only the ability is from the dispatcher toward the one who receive deliver, this kind of human relations the interaction is a very difficult realization of.
Person the letter interaction mean that the information receives the and exchanges between information.In traditional medium, the one who receive almost hases no option to the information, they can do only one of is a choice to see which newspaper, see which channel.But, medium but speeches for the interaction, the people not only have the option, but also have the control power to the information.They can make to order the information, can change the contents and the form of information.For example the manhunt engine of the network, is an information to accept to make to order the interested in information of oneself; pass the network to deliver the greeting card, the dispatcher can choose music, picture or animations that oneself like, constituting a new greeting card to send out to the friend; pass the email to make to order the news, can receive the oneself's interested in character news etc. everyday.
Interactive sex decides the consumer cognition
Have three factors to advertise to the network the interaction rise key of function: the consumer gets involved the degree, the advertisement information characteristic, the advertisement lord and consumers the ability that solid hour communicate.Get involved the degree more high, interact sex more strong; characteristic more strong, interact sex more strong; the solid hour communicate of ability is more strong, interact sex more strong.
Pass the experiment, the writer still have to arrive if draw a conclusion: the network advertisement interaction is one of the important factors that affects the consumer cognition; the network advertisement interaction is more high, the consumer is more good to the attitude that the network advertise oneself; the network advertisement interaction is more high, the attitude of consumer to the advertisement product brand is more good; the network advertisement interaction is more high, the consumer purchases to incline to more strong.
Interaction, advertise the keyword of the ages behind
Chen of the University of Peking just the professor is in 《 after advertise advertisement space of ages- network ages 》 one text, putting forward the concept of" after advertise" for the very first time:" the reason that we put forward after the advertised concept, just being a doubt for the sake of the enunciation, thinking, also hope is the attitude of a constructor, that is in under the influence of various new factor of ages of network permeating continuously with but continuously change of advertisement space to look for and investigate a new order of world and exist the logic.The network causes and carries out a revolution of medium, but be this revolution to move because of of core exactly' interaction'."
Advertise behind of put forward, advertised to make the more accurate define to the future, will advertise in the future on the other hand is a tradition to continue advertisement, is an orientation at the same time future the more have of the society and medium variety advertisement form of the interaction.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-04-28
The demand alone is not enough, the traditional definition of advertising is advertising emphasis on the other side is the message, ultimately achieve sales goals. This definition to traditional media (mainly refers to newspapers, magazines, television and radio) advertising is very appropriate, However, the network news media today, problems have emerged. The largest online media properties is that they are interactive, and the mode of information dissemination rather than a one-way transmission of two-way communication. The network media for advertising, in order to reach their goal, to rely solely on one side to the other demands is not enough. Only at the right time to pass the message through to the target audience and get the audience's response thus the two sides to exchange really achieve advertising effectiveness. Traditional media has always tried to achieve such results, In fact unsatisfactory results and interpersonal interaction and interpersonal interaction letter is a message sender and the receiver of information between the two-way communication, such as Internet online chat, email exchanges, bbs exchanges. This interaction can be both real-time, online chat; There should be a time lag, such as email and bbs .. In traditional media, the only information from the sender to the receiver transmission, such interaction is very difficult to achieve. Letters to interactive means of information between the receiver and information exchange. In traditional media, the recipient of virtually no information on what the right to choose, they only can do is to choose particular juncture newspapers, look at what channels. However, interactive media, information not only for the right to choose, but also control. They can be customized information, the information can change the content and form. For example, network search engines, is the recipient of information of interest to their own customized information; Through the network to send greeting cards, the sender can choose their favorite music, pictures or animation, which combined a new card sent to a friend. through email to customized news, daily interest received their news personality, and so on. Interactive consumers are three degrees of cognitive factors on interactive advertising network plays a crucial role : consumer involvement, advertising personality, advertisers and consumers the ability to communicate in real time. The higher the degree of involvement, the stronger our interactive; The more personalized, more interactive strong; Real-time communication ability is stronger, interactive will be. Through the experiment, I also received the following conclusions : interactive advertising network impact consumer awareness is one of the important factors; interactive advertising network, the higher consumer advertising on the network's attitude better; interactive advertising network, the higher the Consumer advertising of the brand products better; interactive advertising network, the higher the tendency of consumers to purchase more strongly. Interaction After the era of advertising keywords Beijing University Professor Chen Gang, "after the advertising era -- the era of network advertising space," a text , first proposed the "advertisement" concept : "The reason why we proposed the concept of advertising. To show just as a suspect, the thinker, but I hope it is an attitude of the builders, It was at various times by the new network of factors affecting the infiltration and constantly changing advertising space to find and explore a new world order and logic of survival. network and achieve triggered a media revolution. As a result of this revolutionary move on the core is the 'interactive'. "After the advertisement, Advertising made in the future more accurately define, on the one hand, the future advertising is a continuation of traditional advertising, Meanwhile meet future changes in society and the media to the more interactive form of advertising.
第3个回答  2007-04-28
Only depending on one side appeal is not enough. The definition of the traditional advertisement emphasize is that advertisement is used to transmit information from one side to another, sell out finally.
It is very felicitous to define the traditional media (major point to newspaper, magazine, TV and Broadcast), but the definition like this have broken out some issues after the network media come out today.
The most important characteristic bout network media is Interaction with two side, the transmit type is bidirectional not one side.
To attain one's goal by the network advertisement is not enough; it is better transmit the information to the people and interaction with each other in the right time. Traditional media have ever tried to take this effect, but the result is not good.
Interaction with people and interaction with information and people
Interaction with people is just to say interaction with information sender and information receiver, such as chat online, email communication, bbs communication and so on. In traditional media, the information can only transmit from sender to receiver, so the interaction with information sender and receiver is very difficult to come true.
Interaction with information and people is just to say interaction with the information receiver and information. In traditional media, information receiver didn’t have the selection authority to information, the only thing they can do is select which newspaper to read, which channel to watch. But in interaction media, people not only own selection authority, but also have control authority.

They can define information; also can change the information’s content and type. Such as Web Search Engine, it is used as information definer to information receiver, sharing your greeting card with network, information senders can select their favorite music, images and cartoon, combine a greeting card with them then send it; order news by email then you can receive your interesting news everyday and so on.
Interaction decides the customer’s cognitive degree

There are three factors take great effect to network advertisement: the customer’s intervention degree, the advertisement’s individuation and the communication ability between advertising agent and the customer. The more intervention, the more individuation and the more communication then the more interaction.

Through experiment, I can conclude the following results: the interaction of network advertisement is an important factor that can affect the customer’s cognitive degree; the more interact, the customer to network advertisement attitude, product brand and purchase desire can become better.

Interaction, the key words in Postadvertisement times.

Chen gang, the Beijing university professor was the first man who give out the concept “Postadvertisement” ”so we give out the concept of Postadvertisement times is just want to indicate I, be a skeptic, thinker also with erector attitude, I think Postadvertisement is point we must find and discover the new world system and subsistence logic in the advertisement space where uninterrupted effected and filter by all kinds of new factors in Network times. Media revolution has happened by the network spring, and the core of this revolution is “interaction”” in his article <<Postadvertisement times-----the advertisement room in network advertisement times>>.
The boundary of the future advertisement should be distinguished more clearly which was lodged by Postadvertisement. On aspect is the future advertisement is the extend of the traditional advertisement, at the same time; it is also an advertisement form which own more interaction and can suit the change of future society and media.
第4个回答  2007-04-28
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