
2. 随着计算机技术的发展,中间件已经成为一个软件开发技术的一个重要发展方向。本文介绍了一种新型的中间件技术-反射式中间件(reflective middleware),可提高中间件的适应性,实现在运行时根据变化的环境对中间件进行动态配置。实验结果表明反射式中间件能够达到下一代中间件的适应性要求。

with the development of computer technology,the middleware technology has became an important direction for software development technology.Reflective middleware ,a new type of middleware,which introduced in this paper,can enhance the compatibility of the middleware to realize the dynamic disposition in light of (或者on the basis of )ever-changing enviornment.It is clarified(it is indicated)in the experiment that reflective middleware can meet/satisfy the compability requirement of the new generation middleware.
第1个回答  2006-11-14
2. along with the computer technology development, the middlewarealready became a software development technology an importantdevelopment direction. This article introduced one kind of newmiddleware technology - reflection type middleware (reflectivemiddleware), may enhance the middleware the compatibility, realizeswhen the movement acts according to the environment which changes tothe middleware to carry on the dynamic disposition. The experimentalresult indicated the reflection type middleware can achieve the nextgeneration middleware the compatible request.
第2个回答  2020-04-26