根据提示以An unusual experience 为题写一篇短文,介绍一次你的不同寻常的经历。1.和弟弟去上海世博会

2.在车站买票时弟弟不见了。3.打电话给警察4.在警察的帮助下,在车站外找到了弟弟,他正在和一个男孩玩。5.第一人称6.80词 请英语高手帮我好的话加分

An unusual experience
There was an unusual experience happened to me, I and my brother visited Expo in Shanghai last year, my brother got lost while I was buying tickets. Then I turned to the policeman for help, under the assistance of him, I found my brother playing with a boy outside the station. Finally, I told my brother that he couldn't go away without my consent.