
The delta is comprised of a diverse complex of depositional environments that span a wide range from terrestrial through coastal to purely marine. The processes and resulting morphology of a delta are the result of a great variety of interdependent factors. Although there is a considerable range in the specific characteristics among the world’s deltas, they also share some general features and processes that are universal regardless of size or location of the deltaic system.
Deltas can typically be subdivided into three broad environments: the delta plain, which is largely subaerial but contains subaqueous portions, the delta front, and the prodelta. There is a general seaward fining of sediment particle size within the latter two regions of the delta. The distal portion of the delta(prodelta) is dominated by clays settling from suspension.
Whereas one commonly thinks of deltas in terms of large accumulations of sediment and as constructional systems, there is typically a destructional phase as well, erosion may actually dominate at some areas or during certain periods of time when little sediment is being supplied. Waves and currents, both wave generated and tidal, are the primary agents of erosion on the delta. The destructive phase dominates on abandoned portions of delta when sediment influx from the river has ceased. The active delta is dominated by the constructional phase. Beaches, beach ridges, and dunes may develop along the shore of the abandoned delta, whereas the active delta exhibits progradation of the deltaic plain, which greatest rates concentrated at the major distributaries.

第1个回答  2010-07-11
我就是好心人。累死我了!~ ~
