
建设项目的造价控制贯穿于项目的全过程,即项目决策阶段、项目设计阶段、项目实施阶段和竣工阶段都关 系到建设项目的造价控制。统计资料显示,在项目决策阶段及设计阶段,影响建设项目造价的可能性为30%-75%,而在实施阶段影响建设项目造价的可能性仅 为5%-25%。显而易见,控制工程造价的关键就在于项目实施之前的项目决策和设计阶段,项目决策是决定因素,而设计则是关键因素。
建 设工程造价的有效控制就是在投资决策阶段、设计阶段、工程发包阶段、合同实施阶段把建设工程造价的发生额控制在批准的工程造价限额以内,随时纠正发生的偏 差,保证项目投资目标的实现,以求在各个建设项目中能够合理地使用人力、物力、财力取得较好的投资效益,最终实现使竣工决算控制在审定的概算额内,避免 “三超”现象的发生,为了有效控制工程造价,应做好以下几方面工作:
工程造价的确定与控制贯穿 于项目建设全过程,但决策阶段各项技术经济决策,对该项目的工程造价有得大影响,特别是建设标准水平的确定、建设地点的选择、工艺的评选、设备选用等,直 接关系到工程造价的高低。据有关资料统计,在项目建设各大阶段中,投资决策阶段影响工程造价的程度最高,即达到80-90%。因此,决策阶段项目决策的内 容是决定工程造价的基础,直接影响着决策阶段之后的各个建设阶段工程造价的确定与控制是否科学、合理的问题。
投 资估算是基本建设前期工作中的重要环节之一。是决策性的文件,它是研究、分析建设项目的经济效果的重要依据。在可靠性研究报告批准后,估算就作为设计任务 下达的投资限额,对初步设计概算起控制作用,并作为奖金筹措及向银行贷款的依据。因此,在经济工作中应该实事求是的反映设计内容,反映建设地区的经济状 况,从估算开始就要正确完整地反映工程项目的建设投资。
在投资估算中,应该实事求是的反映 设计内容,这就要求设计人员从工程规模和项目内容上真实反映设计意图。主要工艺要进行多方案比较,方案要优化,设计方案不仅技术上可行,而且经济上更应合 理。所以工程经济人员从建设方案的优选开始,就应该渗透到设计的全过程中去,按照工程造价管理的原则,合理预测投资估算中各种动态因素的变化,尽可能打足 投资不留缺口,这是编制投资估算工作的关键,也是下阶段的重要依据。

How to do construction project cost control

 1, construction project the importance of cost control

Construction project cost control throughout the whole process of the project, that project decision-making stage, the project design phase, implementation phase and completion phase of the project are related to the construction project cost control. Statistics show that decision-making phase of the project and design stage, the possibility of affecting construction project cost 30% -75%, while the impact of construction projects at the implementation stage the possibility of cost only 5% -25%. Obviously, the key to controlling project cost before the project is the implementation of the project decision-making and design, project decision-making is the deciding factor, the design is the key factor.

Control project cost is not just to prevent investment in breaking the limit, a more positive meaning is to promote the construction, engineering, design units to strengthen the management, the human, material and financial resources with limited resources can be fully utilized to achieve the best economic and social benefits . Therefore, a good project cost control, ensuring and accelerating economic development thinking has a certain significance.

Second, control measures for construction project cost

Construction project cost control is effective decision-making in the investment phase, design phase, project contracting phase of the contract implementation phase of the construction cost figures of control within the approved project cost limit at any time to correct the deviation occurs, ensure that investment objectives order in all construction projects to a reasonable use of human, material and financial resources to achieve good investment returns, and ultimately to control the completion of audited accounts of the proposed budget amount and avoid the "three super" phenomena, in order to effectively control the project cost, should do the following tasks:

(A) decision-making phase of project cost control

Project Cost Estimate and control throughout the entire process of project construction, but the decision-making phase of the technical and economic decision-making, the project cost you win big impact, particularly to determine the level of construction standards, building site selection, technology selection, equipment selection, and is directly related to the level of project cost. According to statistics, in various stages of construction, the investment decision phase of the highest level of impact of project cost, which reached 80-90%. Therefore, the decision-making phase of the project is to determine the content of decision-making basis for project cost, a direct impact on decision-making stage of the various construction stages and control of project cost to determine whether the scientific, reasonable question.

1, the need for the preparation of investment estimation

Estimated capital investment is an important part of the preliminary work in one. Is the decision-making document, it is research, analysis of economic effects of the construction project an important basis. The approval of the reliability study to estimate the design tasks as assigned by the investment limit from the initial design estimate of effect, and as a bonus to the bank loan financing and the basis. Therefore, in the economic work should be realistic and reflect the design elements, reflecting the construction of regional economic conditions, starting from the estimates should correctly reflect the complete construction of the project investment.

2, the investment estimate is designed to be a true reflection

Investment estimates should be realistic and reflect the content design, which requires designers and project from the size of the project reflect the content of design intent. Major process