

第1个回答  2010-06-15
Second, the building decoration
1 and in the production practice
About 7 century BC, the Greek architecture by wooden buildings in transition period, to stone architecture of the Greek pottery has a fairly high level of technology, in the frontal fang above arcades, pottery, eaves of face. In the process of billet clay into an adornment architrave, therefore, he was introduced to building architrave, also the pottery of coloured drawing or pattern introduces architecture, eaves of covering the colourful decorations. Brennan mould-tooling prefabricated, in order to adapt to this batch production of art, they must have a uniform size and style. It is objectively promoted the construction standard and standardization of components of Greek architecture art, the formation and communication plays a vital role. In Egypt, the pillars in the tomb architecture has concave round architrave, and Greek column of almost the same, miller, said: "the pillars of wood from the original evolved, engraved posts from the groove is probably a curved blade pine wood processing the axe experience."
The functional components and formation of evolution
The architecture of a certain form or decoration in it occurs often have practical function, and its construction means and structure is closely related to the logic, but these functions to form shall not constitute the restriction, in other words, the function of change or faded, does not affect the original form as a kind of dinkum adornment language and other buildings in the structure of preserved. Example: the horse-drawn testa geoff alberti design, applying the church's arc DE triomphe Constantine, the original form and decoration in the triumphal arch of the four points column bearing role in the facades of the church, and to become the BiZhu helps wall, the original physical function disappear. Nebraska ord in 1500 - in 1504 design of the Roman church of st Mary peace of Roman coliseum, architectural theme of "suit" is more apparent, Love the Virginia's function and form are reduced to turn into a kind of pure form, make this classic symbol of architectural form to become true. The same situation is reflected in the design of fiorentina, Michelangelo, the library's lauren facade, pillar and window has become a non-functional adornment language.
The adornment of religious culture
By totem worship and religious beliefs and adornment, is the oldest such behavior is one of the reasons for the most profound, almost all the prehistoric adornment art can be traced to the source. We from Mesopotamia archaeological discovery can know of architectural decoration from the beginning of the religion infiltration. From ancient Assyrian, the figure of the building MeiNi DE qi dynasty architecture history, religious architecture development both in form or on a scale far beyond the development of other types of construction, which can explain religious culture in the contemporary social life occupy a very important position. A nation is another nation to conquer, a civilization was replaced by a kind of civilization, this really need group will and strength, and will get together here, but in that era gathered outside the religious beliefs can also have something else? Therefore, in the form of a proper architecture reflects the faith and belief propagation provides the necessary conditions of material, the building decoration, the belief, became a powerful tool for performance s.a. Kings. The spirit of religion and worship of ancient Egypt has produced profound architectural form, and in the upper and lower Egypt tradition. We are familiar with the pyramids, the temple of amon karnak and column has determined the Pope本回答被提问者采纳