
在学习数学方面有些困难,以至于跟不上其他同学,因此感到非常着急,请写一封回信,想办法帮助他解决困难。 参考词汇 适应 adapt to。

Dear li lei,
I have got your letter。

Li hua

Dear Li Lei,

I have got your letter, and I feel sorry for the situation that you are in. I understand that you are currently having difficulties with your new math teacher’s teaching style, and are worrying of the fact that you are lagging behind other classmates.

I think that the best way for you to take is to quickly calm down from the current state. Worry does not help you but make things worse. I hope you can discuss with your classmates about the points that you do not understand, and seek for some assistance, so that you will not be left behind. Then you should go to the teacher and tell him your problem. I believe that he will be more than happy to help you, as no teacher would like to have any students falling behind.

It is a challenge when a familiar teacher is changed with a new one. To adapt to the new teacher’s teaching style is something you have to learn. There will be many more changes as such in your future life. I advise you to master this skill as soon as possible.

Write me, or call me, if you need further help. And I hope you to get out of this situation very quickly.


Friend, Li Hua