书面表达 ( 满分25分 )假如你叫李华,最近收到好朋友Mike的来信,得知他染上了吸烟的习惯,你很为他担心

书面表达 ( 满分25分 )假如你叫李华,最近收到好朋友Mike的来信,得知他染上了吸烟的习惯,你很为他担心。请给他写一封信。1.表明自己的看法; 2.谈谈吸烟的危害(可举例说明); 3.提出至少两条建议。注意:1、短文须写在答题卡的指定区域。 2、短文词数不少于100。3、内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。 4、书写需清晰、工整。5、首句已给出,但不计入总词数。Since I heard you have got into the habit of smoking,

Since I heard you have got into the habit of smoking, I have been very worried.
You see, not only does smoking waste your money and time, but it is harmful to your health physically and mentally. As a high school student, you should study hard and stop smoking immediately. Although it is hard to get rid of smoking, I hope you will follow my advice.
First, choose a day when you feel relaxed to throw away all your cigarettes and make a list of all benefits you can get from stopping smoking. Then, reread the benefits to remind yourself when you want to smoke again. Finally, do some sports every day and you are sure to succeed.
I hope my advice will be useful.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely
Li Hu

试题分析:本文是一篇应用文,首先表明自己对这件事的看法,可从金钱、时间及其健康方面进行阐述吸烟的危害,再举例对其进行说明,写作中注意使用平时积累的“起承转合”的连词,使用万能句型造句,最后提出自己的建议。提建议时可使用firstly, secondly, finally等分开阐述,以显得层次分明。
点评:对于应用文写作要简洁明了,直入主题,平时学习时多进行作文模板的记忆,万能句型的积累,高中作文写作,要注意 在写作之前,首先对题目进行认真的审清,并在脑海中回想自己积累的哪些句式、句型、单词能用进来,这些单词、句型都应是经典的,不会错的。写的过程中,多注意灵活使用定语从句,包括非限制性定语从句。要熟悉英美人写文章的习惯,遇到专有地名、人名一定要用非限制性定语从句,强调唯一性。平时的英语作文就可以多尝试使用这些表达,考试时才能游刃有余,胸有成竹。