
—Sorry to disturb you. May I use your cellphone?
— _________________________.
A. Don’t mention it B. I don't care C. yes, go ahead D. No, not at all
—Can you give show me how to do it again?
— __________________.
A. Yes, I can B. Certainly C. I'm glad you do it D. You’re welcome
—Is Mark there.
— _________________________.
1. You have been keeping _____ us too many hard words _________ in French.
A. to give / spell B. giving / spell C. to give / spelt D. giving / spelt
Mr. Li is _____________ as any other worker in the plant.
A. as efficient a worker B. as efficient worker
C. as a worker efficient D. as an efficient worker
Look, the horse is sweating all over. It _______ all the way here without a break.
A. must run B. must have run C. may run D. should have run
Botany, __________ I know nothing, is offered as a required course this semester.
A. about which B. which C. that D. which about
How could I study well? The child next door ____ all night yesterday.
A. have cried B. had cried C. is crying D. was crying
7. When you finished reading the book, don’t forget to put it back to the shelf, ________?
A. do you B. will you C. don’t you D. won’t you
8. The committee rejected his suggestion that all the delegates ____ a qualification test first.
A. pass B. ought to pass C. must pass D. will pass
9. Mr. Li works in a trading company. Now, he ________ in a training center, since training there is free of charge.
A. has studied B. studies C. had been studying D. is studying
10. The newspaper carries an article, __________ was written by a famous journalist.
A. I think which B. which I think C. that I think D. which I think it
11. The train _______ the station at exactly 7 o’clock.
A. pulled out of B. pulled away C. pulled on D. pulled off
12. Everyone in the class ______ to bring a mask to the English Evening tonight.
A. is guessed B. is thought C. is supposed D. is ought
13. When I arrived in this country, I had to start learning the language from _____.
A. scratch B. scrap C. snatch D. scrape
14. The men, _____ with sweat from an all-night march, immediately went into action.
A. to be soaked B. soaked C. soaking D. to soak

15. She expressed not the least ____ for what she had done.
A. reaction B. regret C. regard D. report
16. The President stood on the _________ waving to the crowd below.
A. flat B. floor C. balcony D. apartment
17. Yet when women prove their abilities, men refuse to ____ them and give them their due.
A. acknowledge B. demand C. claim D. maintain


C 可以,请便
B 当然可以.用A回答很生硬,而且这样的回答往往是针对他问你有没有能力做某事吧...
Yes,he is
D keep doing...spell the words in French变为过去分词(表被动)做定语就是words spelt in French.
A 语感吧,as + adj. + a/an + n. + as的结构不知道有没有.
B 对过去事实的肯定推断
D 昨晚一直在哭,其实用cried也行,你觉得呢?
A 祈使句的反意疑问用will/won't
A suggestion后同位语从句要用should(可省略)虚拟语气,大概不能换ought to.(并不是单纯的情态动词互换)
D 表示一段时间内一直在从事某事
B I think 是插入语,去掉后就是很正常的非限制性定语从句.
A 固定用法,表示火车驶离车站
A start from scratch白手起家,从头开始慢慢来
B 当然只有regret意思通,但not the least regret for是什么说法?
C 从below看总统应该站在较高的地方
A 承认,认可,认同,较正式的用法

呼 ~ 做了你的题目,我发现自己的英语真的还有很多漏洞,但是我的正确率我自认为还行.另外,我真心希望你不是仅仅就为了答案来知道上提问的,所以当你有了正确答案,可不可以Hi我告诉我呢?或者你还有什么问题也可以告诉我啊~

第1个回答  2010-04-11
—Sorry to disturb you. May I use your cellphone?
— __________C____________.
A. Don’t mention it B. I don't care C. yes, go ahead D. No, not at all
—Can you give show me how to do it again?
— ____________B______.
A. Yes, I can B. Certainly C. I'm glad you do it D. You’re welcome
—Is Mark there.
— _________________________.
1. You have been keeping D_____ us too many hard words _________ in French.
A. to give / spell B. giving / spell C. to give / spelt D. giving / spelt
Mr. Li is __________B___ as any other worker in the plant.
A. as efficient a worker B. as efficient worker
C. as a worker efficient D. as an efficient worker
Look, the horse is sweating all over. It __A_____ all the way here without a break.
A. must run B. must have run C. may run D. should have run
Botany, __________ I know nothing, is offered as a required course this semester.
A. about which B. which C. that D. which about
How could I study well? The child next door ____ all night yesterday.
A. have cried B. had cried C. is crying D. was crying
7. When you finished reading the book, don’t forget to put it back to the shelf, ________?
A. do you B. will you C. don’t you D. won’t you
8. The committee rejected his suggestion that all the delegates ____ a qualification test first.
A. pass B. ought to pass C. must pass D. will pass
9. Mr. Li works in a trading company. Now, he ________ in a training center, since training there is free of charge.
A. has studied B. studies C. had been studying D. is studying
10. The newspaper carries an article, __________ was written by a famous journalist.
A. I think which B. which I think C. that I think D. which I think it
11. The train _______ the station at exactly 7 o’clock.
A. pulled out of B. pulled away C. pulled on D. pulled off
12. Everyone in the class ______ to bring a mask to the English Evening tonight.
A. is guessed B. is thought C. is supposed D. is ought
13. When I arrived in this country, I had to start learning the language from _____.
A. scratch B. scrap C. snatch D. scrape
14. The men, _____ with sweat from an all-night march, immediately went into action.
A. to be soaked B. soaked C. soaking D. to soak

15. She expressed not the least ____ for what she had done.
A. reaction B. regret C. regard D. report
16. The President stood on the _________ waving to the crowd below.
A. flat B. floor C. balcony D. apartment
17. Yet when women prove their abilities, men refuse to ____ them and give them their due.
A. acknowledge B. demand C. claim D. maintain
第2个回答  2010-04-11
? 无选项
7. D
8. C
9. D