
* 31. They (occasionally) stop by to see us.[ 1分]
A.oftenB.seldomC.usuallyD.once in a while

* 32. When their coach came in, all the players stopped watching, whispering and ______.[ 1分]
A.laughedB.to laughC.would laughD.laughing

* 33. Identify the errors in the following sentence:John said his mother would buy him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday.[ 1分]
A.would buy himB.five-speedsC.forD.sixteenth birthday

* 34. Identify the errors in the following sentence:This visit has remained a deep impression on her mind.[ 1分]

* 35. Identify the errors in the following sentence:I can’t help to think it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them.[ 1分]
A.to thinkB.would beC.to playD.an exciting

* 36. Identify the errors in the following sentence:She insisted that we gave her thirty minutes for preparation.[ 1分]
A.insistedB.gaveC.thirty minutesD.for preparation

* 37. (As long as) you keep trying, you’ll certainly succeed.[ 1分]
A.asB.becauseC.no matterD.If

* 38. Identify the errors in the following sentence:It was very late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time.[ 1分]
A.very lateB.drowning boyC.gone downD.third time

* 39. Mount Qomolangma, the Roof Ridge of the world is covered______ snow all the year around.[ 1分]

* 40. Identify the errors in the following sentence:He was singing an Anti-Japanese song, as if remembered those unforgettable days.[ 1分]
A.was singingB.Anti-JapaneseC.rememberedD.unforgettable

* 41. During the past few months, the young girl has shown great ______ as a good dancer.[ 1分]

* 42. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Having rejected by everybody, the student representative resigned the committee.[ 1分]
A.Having rejectedB.everybodyC.representativeD.resigned

* 43. Pay special attention to ______ your teacher speaks English.[ 1分]
A.the way ofB.the way whichC.the way howD.the way

* 44. When will the wedding ______?[ 1分]
A.take the placeB.take placeC.take placesD.take place of

* 45. Identify the errors in the following sentence:That is troubling me is that I don’t have much experience in international commerce.[ 1分]
A.ThatB.isC.much experienceD.in international commerce

31. D (偶尔,occasionally和once in a while一个意思)
32. D (并列结构,都是ing)
33. B (five-speed,有-连接数词和单位的结构,单位后面用单数)
34. B (remain是一个表达延续状态的动词,不能用完成时态。另一个语法点是impression和on的搭配用法)
35. A (can't help doing something是一个固定搭配,表示禁不住如何如何。would be是一个虚拟用法)
36. B (insist后面用虚拟语态,所以gave不对)
37. D (这个没什么好说的了,如果你不断尝试,你一定会成功。)
38. A (说救人太迟只能用too late)
39. C (被白雪覆盖,be covered with固定搭配)
40. C (as if后面有一个语法点的,记不清了,回头问问老师吧)
41. B (潜力,potential没什么好说的了,其他几个意思差很远)
42. A (Having BEEN rejected,少一个be动词,因为后面有by)
43. C (how = in which,注意speak in a/the way的固定搭配)
44. B (take place = happen)
45. A (应该是WHAT is)
第1个回答  2010-01-03
同学,我都是个高3学生,对于英语,我只认识一些单词,但是我可以跟你说,你这样问答案你觉得有意思吗? 就算给你了对的答案,你写上去,交给老师,得满分,但是你骗不了自己啊,自己多努力吧,不懂的问老师,希望你以后有个好成绩...

我的目的是说服你,不是得你的50分, 希望我们都好好学习啊,下次拿出来问的,不是要答案,而是要解题的方法,其他网友你们觉得呢?呵呵