
1.对学生来讲参加各种各样的课外活动尤为重要(要求用It is +adj that...)
2.任何破坏法律的人都应受到惩罚,这是事实(要求用It is a fact that... 和 whoever)
3.对父母来说孩子想要什么就给什么是相当愚蠢的(要求用 It is +adj of sb to do 和 whatever)
9.新年就是一段时光我们应该回顾过去展望未来(要求用 is a time when...)
12.直到我高中毕业时我才意识到学好英语是多么重要啊(要求用 It was not until that...)
1.It is important that take part in all kinds of after-school activities for students.
2.It is a fact that be punished whoever break the law.
3.It is stupid of parents to give children whatever their want.
4.The school is no longer what it 10 years ago.
5.Take part in outdoor activities could improve our social skills and intellectual skills,by taking part in these activities,we can show our ability to get on with others and our ability to settle problems.
6.During the summer vacation, take part in the social practice offer a change to close touch social and practice ourselves.
7.They often talk about the school highlights on the Internet.
8.This clothes is fit me,but the color and style don't suit me.
9.New year is a time when we should look back at pass and look forward to future.
10.As far as I'm concerned it can build up our health to practice everyday for two hours.
11.He was being elected to the student council work as a peer mediator,who helps students to settle problems.
12.It wasn't realized the important of study English well until that I graduated from high school.

1.It is important that the students should take part in all kinds of after-school activities.
2.It is a fact that whoever breaks the law should be punished.
3.It is stupid of parents to give children whatever they want.
4.The school is no longer what it was like 10 years ago.
5.Taking part in outdoor activities can improve our social skills and intellectual skills,and by taking part in these activities we can show our ability to contact with others and settle problems.
6.During the summer vacation, taking part in the social practice offers a oppotunity to access the society to practice ourselves
7.They often talk about the nice part of the school life on the net.
8.This piece of clothes fits me well,but the color and style don't suit me.
9.New year is a time when we should review the past and look forward.
10.Personally,to practice two hours everyday can emphasize the body.
11.He was just elected to the student union as a peer mediator who helps students to settle problems.
12.It was not until the graduation from high school that I realized the importance of studying English.