
某君昆仲,今隐其名,皆余昔日在中学时良友;分隔多年,消息渐阙。日前偶闻其一大病;适归故乡,迂道往访,则仅晤一人,言病者其弟也。劳君远道来视,然已早愈,赴某地 候补⑵矣。因大笑,出示日记二册,谓可见当日病状,不妨献诸旧友。持归阅一过,知所患 盖“迫害狂”之类。语颇错杂无伦次,又多荒唐之言;亦不著月日,惟墨色字体不一,知非 一时所书。间亦有略具联络者,今撮录一篇,以供医家研究。记中语误,一字不易;惟人名 虽皆村人,不为世间所知,无关大体,然亦悉易去。至于书名,则本人愈后所题,不复改也。七年四月二日识

第1个回答  2020-04-06
第2个回答  2009-06-20
某君brothers, this hidden name, are more than old good friend in high school; separated for many years, the news gradually Que. Even heard one serious illness a few days ago; suitable to the home, literal-minded Road visit, met only one person, his brother also made the patients. All the way to Eagle, as the labor, but already more, go to a place having alternate ⑵. Due to laughing, to produce two diaries that symptoms can be seen that day, may wish to offer all旧友. Access to the hold off, to know who built the "persecution maniac" and so on. Quite mixed language without logical sequence, the more absurd statement; not on the day, however, different color font, known as non-time book. Between those who have little contact with this summary of an article for medical research. Misuse of language in mind, the word is not easy; but although the names are the villagers, not the world know, has nothing to do generally, but also easy to note. As for the title, then I am more after the title, does not appear to have. April 2 years know
第3个回答  2009-06-28
MouJun places, today more than yesterday, all hidden in high school friend, For many years, news gradually revealed separated. Recently I smell a serious illness, Suitable to hometown, circuitous ways, only one speaking worshipful bow, is his brother. LaoJun, depending on the way to the place, as to alternate (2). For laugh, show the diary of the disease, visible, offer all the old ones. Hold to, read a knowledge with cover "sadistic". Language is a diverse LunCi and the absurd, Also, if not months, the ink is a font. There are also some contact, this piper record a for traditional research. In a word, not errors, But although people were all known as earth, and generally, also easy to azel. But after the title, which is no problem,. On April 2007
第4个回答  2019-02-07