

Influenced by the Market Conductibility, the finacial crisis has amplified the risk of global economy, making the international market more complicatied. Under this bearish market, China's export trade was inevitably affected. This thesis analyzed how and to what extend the Ameican Crisis affected China's export trade and
proposed some coping tactics in this regard.


真要挑毛病你的翻译硬伤也多的很,第一,市场传导效应是个专有名词。第二,你整篇译文时态时而现在时而过去,并且没有逻辑性。如“is inevitably affected”,“increases the risk ”、第三,the impact,你怎么知道不用复数?第四, countermeasures这个词的确有“对策”的意思,但是你显然望文生义,不了解这个词的背景,误用也很正常。
第1个回答  2009-06-20


The transmission effect of financial crisis increases the risk of the global economy, the international economic situation became more complicated. Under such background, China's export trade is inevitably affected. This paper analyzes the impact of American financial crisis to China's export trade, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.
第2个回答  2009-06-23
The transmission effect of financial crisis increases the risk of the global economy, the international economic situation became more complicated. Under such background, China's export trade is inevitably affected. This paper analyzes the impact of American financial crisis to China's export trade, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.

补充:楼下334273059那位果然是高手,仅influnced, makeing 还有analysised三个单词就令我“自愧不如”!专八优秀的人才实在令人汗颜。
第3个回答  2009-06-20
Financial crisis's international conduction effect has increased the global economic risk, the international economy situation hastens complex. Under this background, our country's export trade also inevitably comes under the influence. The paper has analyzed the US financial crisis to our country export trade influence, and proposed the corresponding countermeasure.
第4个回答  2009-06-20
Financial crisis in the international transmission effect of increasing the risk of the global economy, international economic situation more complicated. In this context, China's export trade will inevitably be affected. Paper analyzes the U.S. financial crisis on China's export trade, and the corresponding countermeasures.