
The new strain of Influenze A/H1N1 continued to spread around the world as the disease has been confirmed in more than 20000 people in 69 countries.In China,the flu virus began to spread to local populations from an imported case,but there is no need for panic because China has made careful preparations and the disease is largely preventable and treatable.In order to flight against A/H1N1 flu a lecture on“H1N1 and its prevention”is to be held in the school lecture centre at 2:00 pm this Wednseday.The lecture will be made by a professor from Beijing University and he will talk about how to prevent A/H1N1 flu and tell us in details how to prevent A/H1N1 flu.I think that the best defense against A/H1N1 is to have healthy life style by washing your hands znd if you are sick,stay home from work,and keep sick kids home from school,and a face mark is also a good defense against A/H1N1 flu.Personally,such a lecture is very useful,so I do hope that more lecturs like this should be held from time to time in our school in order to prevent diseases.


第1个回答  2009-06-11