
MY computer is a foreigner now ,with weird Chinese words showed on the websites. I have tried to use Multiple Language Package but the XP system disk is required , also there are some people recommended a software called pAppLocale,which is an re-editored software of AppLocale, but when I opened the website , I gave up to use this pAppLocale ,it is developed by TW people, on the main page, there is some declaration about political opinion.u know what to do if you are patriotic.

I can only type in English, please, I have no choice.

Just now, I went to study room in the basement, but came back since it seems nobody else on that floor. This is Midterm period, but still many people dont need to work hard.

OK, what does this title mean, I am kind of guilty for being rude to my roommate just now....... when I was reading the Economitric textbook, which is so so so difficult that drove me crazy, that's why , I was impatient. It is hard to apologize to her by talking, so I am wrting here to lose some guilty conscience, hope she can feel , well ,I know it is unrealistic.and she doesnt have QQ.

Everytime I feel guilty(it often happened when I have impolite and selfish behavior ).I dont know what to do.Making a BLOG APOLOGY is not a good way , most of time I cant show my real feeling on PUBLIC BLOG.

No other language can be more comfortable than your own language, it is much more free to speak Chinese.I also got a point that the language problem can make you looks awkward .......

P.S. I really like the background of this letter paper.

MY computer is a foreigner now ,with weird Chinese words showed on the websites. I have tried to use Multiple Language Package but the XP system disk is required , also there are some people recommended a software called pAppLocale,which is an re-editored software of AppLocale, but when I opened the website , I gave up to use this pAppLocale ,it is developed by TW people, on the main page, there is some declaration about political opinion.u know what to do if you are patriotic.
我的电脑现在是个”老外”了. 网站上是一些奇怪的中文单词.我曾经尝试用多国语言包但是需要XP 系统盘. 同时有好多人呢推荐我用PAPPLOCATE , 是一个重新编辑 APPLOCALE的软件, 但是当我打开网站时, 我放弃使用PAPPLOCALE 了, 因为是台湾人发明的, 在主页上, 有一些政治意见的宣明, 你知道就是那些”爱国人士”做得

I can only type in English, please, I have no choice.

Just now, I went to study room in the basement, but came back since it seems nobody else on that floor. This is Midterm period, but still many people dont need to work hard.
就在现在,我走到地下室的学习室, 但再看起来=没人在楼上的时候回来了. 现在是期中考试阶段, 但是还是有人不需要努力学习.

OK, what does this title mean, I am kind of guilty for being rude to my roommate just now....... when I was reading the Economitric textbook, which is so so so difficult that drove me crazy, that's why , I was impatient. It is hard to apologize to her by talking, so I am wrting here to lose some guilty conscience, hope she can feel , well ,I know it is unrealistic.and she doesnt have QQ.
这个题目的意思是我有点为我对室友的粗鲁感到羞愧. 当我读 经济学 (economics) 的教科书时, 那书很很很难,几乎要把我逼疯了, 这就是为什么我为什么很没耐心, 直接对她道歉有点儿挂不住脸, 所以我在这里写出来减少些我的羞愧情怀. 希望她能感受到, 但是,我知道这是不可能的,她没有QQ.

Everytime I feel guilty(it often happened when I have impolite and selfish behavior ).I dont know what to do.Making a BLOG APOLOGY is not a good way , most of time I cant show my real feeling on PUBLIC BLOG.
每当我感到羞愧时(当我不礼貌或作出自私的举动时这经常发生在我身上) 我不知道该怎么做. 在博客上道歉不是个好办法, 大部分时间我不能在公共博客上表示出我真正的想法.

No other language can be more comfortable than your own language, it is much more free to speak Chinese.I also got a point that the language problem can make you looks awkward .......
没有任何语言能比你自己的母语用起来更舒服, 当说中文的时候我感觉很舒服. 我知道当你遇到语言问题的时候会显得很尴尬

P.S. I really like the background of this letter paper.
翻译很辛苦哦, 希望你喜欢~
第1个回答  2009-10-18






第2个回答  2009-10-18
我的计算机是外国人,现在奇怪的汉语词汇,在网站上显示。我曾尝试使用多国语言包,但XP系统磁盘是必需的,也有一些人建议的软件称为pAppLocale,这是一个重新AppLocale editored软件,但是当我打开网页,我放弃了使用这一pAppLocale,这是开发荃湾人在主页上,有一些关于政治opinion.u宣言知道该怎么做,如果你是爱国的。





