
Passage 2
Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage:
Do you know what the word "jazz" means? Today it is used to talk about various styles of music. In the early 1900s, however, jazz was a kind of folk music played by African Americans. This early jazz was played by people in their daily lives simply for their own enjoyment. Indeed, whenever people got together, jazz could be heard.
Jazz was a mix of styles from Europe and Africa. from Europe, the first jazz musicians borrowed ideas about melody and harmony, and the instruments they used. From Africa, they borrowed ideas about rhythm. Jazz rhythm was very strong --- it made people want to clap their hands or tap their feet. African rhythm had a different beat from most of other music. For example, instead of One-two-Three-four, the beat might be one-Two-three-Four. It was this rhythm that made jazz sound different. There was no other kind of music like it in the United States at that time.
Today, jazz has become a way for many people to express themselves musically. It is also a way for many people to make a lot of money by performing. The audience for jazz is international. Many of the world's biggest jazz festivals now take place in Europe and Asia. Fans pay a lot of money to see one of their favorite musicians in concert or buy one of their recordings. It can certainly be said that jazz has influenced almost every other kind of music in the United States and Europe and produced some of the world's greatest musicians, composers and singers.
6. In the early 1900s, jazz music was _____.
A) used to refer to various styles of music
B) enjoyed by people all over the world
C) enjoyed in everyday life
D) played only at special events
7. The first jazz musicians ______.
A) borrowed European ideas of harmony
B) played music without strong beats
C) invented a new style of folk music
D) used musical instruments from Africa
8. What made jazz different from other music was ______.
A) the beat One-two-Three-four
B) the musical instrument used to play jazz
C) the beat one-Two-three-Four
D) the jazz musicians who clapped their hands in performance
9. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) Jazz is not as much welcomed in Asia as in Europe
B) Jazz is now used by many people to express their likes and dislikes.
C) A lot of people became rich through playing jazz.
D) Nowadays, jazz has become universally popular.
10. Jazz is now _______.
A) becoming too expensive for people to enjoy
B) more popular in Asia than anywhere else
C) not very important as a means of musical expression
D) one means for performers to make a lot of money
