
求一句英语翻译“关于会议期间的住宿问题,因为房间紧张,还请尽快回复是否需要预定以及哪种房型” 邮件用,能礼貌一点。谢谢

Regarding to the accomodation issue during the conference, as the rooms are scarce, would you please get back to me ASAP if you want to book and what kind of room you would prefer? Looking forward for your feedback.
第1个回答  2014-02-19
On accommodation during the conference,we are looking forward to your rapid feedback on which style of rooms do you need for reservation because of scarcity of rooms situation
第2个回答  2014-02-19
About the accommodation during the meeting, would you please reply as soon as possible whether you need reservation of the room and the room type, because of the room availability issue.