

朱自清 背影(翻译-中译英)
Rear-View of a Fading Figure (Original by ZhuZiqing/Translation by alexcwlin)
I haven’t seen Dad for over two years, and whatI can’t forget the most is the sight of him from the back as he was walkingaway.
It was a double-whammy for our family in thewinter of that year. Grandma passed away, and Dad lost his job. I travelledfrom Beijing to Xu Zhou and planned to accompany Dad home for the funeral. WhenI saw Dad’s house in disarray and thought about Grandma, I began to weepuncontrollably. Dad said: “Lighten up! Whatever happened, happened. There’salways light at the end of the tunnel.”
At home, we sold off whatever we could. Dadpaid off what he owed and borrowed for the funeral. Things at home weredepressing due to the funeral and Dad’s unemployment. After the funeral, Dadhad to go to Nanjing to find work and I had to return to Beijing for school,and we left in company together.
At Nanjing, we stayed a day for somesightseeing with friends. In the morning of the following day I had to go toPukou on the other side of the river, and then headed north by train in theafternoon. Dad was busy taking care of something. Initially he did not plan tosee me off and told an acquainted bellhop, repeatedly and painstakingly, on howto take me to the station. After much pondering, he was concerned the bellhopmight slip up and at the end he decided to take me there himself.
In all fairness, there was nothing to worryabout because I was twenty years old and had been through the Beijing trip twoor three times. I tried to talk him out of it several times but he said: “Itdoesn’t matter. I rather go myself instead of those people.”
We crossed the river and entered the trainstation. I went to purchase the train ticket while he was keeping an eye on theluggage. There was too much luggage. We had to hire a porter to get there andhe got busy bargaining with the porters. At that time, I was a bit of asmartass and felt compelled to interrupt to correct what Dad said. He finallysettled on a price with a porter.
He took me to the train, and picked a seat forme close to the door. He spread the purple fur coat which he made for me on theseat and cautioned me to be careful on the way, be vigilant at nighttime, andbe wary of catching a cold. He asked the train-servers to take care of me. Isnickered at his ignorance in thinking those servers only acknowledged moneyand it was a waste of time to ask them to take care of me. After all, why wouldanyone think I could not take care of myself at that age? Oh my goodness! Inlooking back now, I was indeed too conceited at that time.
I said: “Dad, you should go.” He took a lookoutside the train-cabin window and said: “Let me go and buy a few tangerines.Stay here and don’t move.” I looked and saw a few street vendors waiting forcustomers outside of the fence of the train platform on the opposite side. Toget to the platform on that side, someone from this side had to cross the traintracks by climbing down and then up those elevated platforms. Dad was somewhatoverweight, and of course it would take some effort for him to get across.
I wanted to go instead, but he insisted and Ihad to let him go. I watched as he, in a little black hat, a black robe, and adeep-turquoise jacket, staggered to the side of the railroad track. It wasn’ttoo difficult for him to lower himself down slowly, but it took some struggleto climb up the platform after crossing the tracks. He clung onto the edge,raised his legs, and tilted slightly to the left as he tried to lift hisoverweight figure with great effort.
In watching him from the back side at thatmoment, my tears began to stream down my cheeks. I quickly wiped the tears dryto avoid detection by him or others. When I looked outside again, he wasalready walking back with those reddish tangerines in his clasp. To cross thetracks, he scattered the tangerines on the ground of the platform, climbed downto the tracks slowly, and held onto the fruits as he walked. When he reachedthis side, I promptly went over and gave him a hand. He walked up to the traincabin with me and dumped those tangerines on my leather coat.
He dusted off the dirt on his coat seemingly ingood spirits, and after a little while, said: “I’m taking off. Don’t forget towrite when you get there.” I watched as he walked outside. He took a few steps,looked back, and said: “Go back! There’s no one else inside.” I waited until hedisappeared among the bustling crowd. But when I sat down, my tears began towell again.
In the last few years, Dad and I have beenrunning around everywhere. Our family’s finances have been in a downwardspiral. When he was young, he accomplished many great things while making aliving in supporting his family singlehandedly. Who would have thought thingsget so bad at his old age? In reflecting on what had happened, some time ago hecouldn’t help but blew up at petty little things in the family with anger whichhe had bottled up for some time. And for a period, he treated me not as fondlyas he did in the past.
But after not seeing each other for a couple ofyears, he finally has forgotten my failings and misses me and my son all thetime. After I have moved up north, he wrote me a letter once and it read: “I’mwell, but my arms have been in excruciating pain lately. I have difficultieswriting and using chopsticks. I’m afraid my time is near.” At the very moment Iread to that part, I seemed to see through my tear-filled eyes his plumprear-figure clad in turquoise jacket and black robe fading away. Oh my, when wouldI see him again?
TranslationTechnical Notes (by alexcwlin)
The greatest challenge in translating thisclassic is tense-switching: deciding which tenses to use under differentcircumstances.
Use past tenses when past conditions or eventsare being described, but use present tenses when present conditions or events(at the time when the writer was compiling the article) are beingdiscussed.
第1个回答  2015-02-04