

A: what's wrong with you:
B:I have a bad coad
A:I am sorry to hear that.Do you see doctor?
B:Yes,the doctor said it was not serious.
A:Dose the doctor give you some medicine?
B:Yes.He advised me to take more rest.
A:Are you bether now?
B:Much better.
A:You have to drink more water.
B:Yes ,I will.Thank you.
A:My pleasure.
第1个回答  2012-01-13
A.liu fang,you didn't come to school,what's the matter with you?
B.I went to the hospital .
A.I'm sorry about that.So you had a cold,didn't you?
B.Yes,it's so bad.And I had a fever.
A.How poor!What are you feeling now?
B.I'm better now.
A.That's good.Don't worry,I'll help you learn the lesson .
B.Thank you very much.
A.You are welcome.
第2个回答  2012-01-13
M:what is the mattter with you?
W:Oh,l feel a little hot of my head.maybe l have a cold,
M:Does it affect you serious?
W:lt is just makes me feel not so good at present.
M:That sounds not so bad of you.
W:Well,l hope so,but this phenomenon appears the day before yesterday.
M:It is not a good news,l think you ought to see a doctor,deylay it,just will makes you worse.
W:Maybe you are right,l will go and see a doctor,
M:Have a good rest ,and become well quickly.
W:Thank you very much.
第3个回答  2012-01-13
就是take care就是照顾自己的意思