
翻译:Excuse me doctor。I feeling pain in my hand and leg,because i was hit by a motobike in the acrossroads just now,then my hand hit a truck。my head feeling dizzy now。will something happen on me,doctor?

Excuse me doctor。I am feeling pain in my hands and legs,because just now i was hit on the acrossing by a motobike ,which hurted my hand。And my head is feeling dizzy now。Will I be OK, doc?
第1个回答  2011-08-06
motobike 摩托车 拼错了,另一种是Motorcycle,你这个是motorbike

The doctor hello!My hands and feet hurt because I just at a crossroads is a motorcycle hit, he rolled over my hand, my hand and hit next to the truck. Now a little dizzy, the doctor head I'll be okay?



第2个回答  2011-08-06

Excuse me doctor。I feeling (feel / am feeling)pain in my hand and leg,because i was hit by a motobike in the acrossroads just now,then my hand hit (was hit )a truck(by a truck).my head feeling (feel / am feeling) dizzy now。will something happen on me( Is there something wrong with me——建议你用这句 因为人感到不适,问发生什么事,不能用happen这个词),doctor?

Excese me,doctor! My hand and foot don't feel well. Because I was hit by a motorcycle at the crossroad just now! It rolled over my hand and then my hand hit the truck which was next by! Now I am feeling dizzy! Doctor, is there anything ok?