
However, there are forces of change at work. The Central Government pledged $1.2 billion dollars to improve food and drug safety following an SFDA corruption scandal in 2007 (Ellis and Turner, 2008). The MoA announced in early 2008 that 30,000 extra
inspectors had been sent out across the country to help improve regulatory compliance at aquatic food production facilities (Barboza, 2008). The recent furor over melamine-tainted milk that led to the death of at least six infants and the serious illness of tens of thousands more has brought widespread public attention to the failures of the current food safety system and demands for the government to act decisively to remedy the situation. The MoH established new committees on food safety and stepped up inspections of products entering the food system (Anonymous,
2009). These developments may have a positive effect on the implementation of the Food Safety Law that was passed on February 2009 and comes into effect in June 2009. The new law calls for the formation of a state-level food safety commission to oversee the entire food monitoring system (Chinaview, 2009). It also defines
harsher punishments, including significant fines and compensatory awards to victims, for businesses producing or selling substandard food products.

第1个回答  2011-10-12
不过,也有工作的变革力量,。中央政府承诺在2007年的国家药监局腐败丑闻(埃利斯和特纳,2008年)达1.2亿美元,以改善食品和药品安全。农业部宣布在2008年年初的30,000额外督察已被送往全国各地,以帮助提高水产品的食品生产设施(巴尔沃萨,2008年)的合规性。超过最近三聚氰胺毒奶粉的愤怒,导致至少6个婴儿死亡和成千上万的大病带来广泛的公众关注当前的食品安全体系的失败和对政府的要求,采取果断行动,纠正这种情况。卫生部成立了食品安全的新的委员会,并加强检查的产品进入食品系统(匿名,2009)。这些事态发展可能有积极的作用,于2009年2月通过,并在2009年6月生效的食品安全法的实施。新的法律要求形成一个国家级食品安全委员会,以监督整个食品监控系统(Chinaview 2009年)。它还定义了更严厉的惩罚,包括巨额罚款和对受害者的补偿性奖励,对生产或销售不合格食品的企业。