
Ha ha! We decided not to quarrel, and you said that it would not let me sad sad, and you said that I love to make, is it not?
Sunday, we are unmistakably Even I feel scared, because I could not take the, I would like to avoid, but when I decided to leave when you are tightly clutching my hand he wants to ask me to forgive you, ask me to give you an opportunity for the last time, I still could not believe that asked ah, I told him that I despair of you, I do not want to believe you, he said, Do you really willing us on the emotional paragraph, I said that there was no willing not willing, when you together is no treasure, is it not? When I and you together when you do not care about the day looked like, you let me heartache of fun, you make some moves so that I am about to suffocate, but it seems that in all you do not know everything, Zhengbinghua, Why should we lose will know how to cherish, and I know that if I will be sad to leave you and I will be sad, because, after all, we lived together for more than a year, I love your love beyond love their parents.
Because I can not forget the love of it, I still gave you another chance, but I do not know if I make a choice is right or wrong, but I believe that love, I believe you can change, I own well-being and your commitments made a bet that, as you said, I am also not from you, please give me a chance, I will definitely changed. The reason I think you are really good because I love you, understand? Once again, I believe you, please you told me that the commitment to honor! Make love each other, I need you to my happiness. I will take full advantage of us together - not one second each. Zhengbinghua make love!
Shanshan Zhengbinghua love you just want good, I have to in order to refuel ah, for our future, for our agreement! Dear I will not leave you, please understand, and with me every second of each and every point.
Shanshan生生世世只爱you Zhengbinghua

哈哈,我们决定不再吵架,你说那会让我感到难过 难过啊 然后你说:“我喜欢吵架”难道不是吗?星期日,我们错误地甚至我感到恐惧,因为我不想带走,我要避开。我当我决定离开的时候,你紧紧地抓着我的手,他恳请我原谅你,让我给你最后一次机会,我仍然无法相信,我告诉她,我对你很失望,我不想相信你。他说你真的愿意我们的情感出现问题吗?我想没有愿意或者不愿意。你们在一起根本没有价值,不是吗??我和你在一起 你根本不关心那些日子。你让我心痛,让我好感动,结果,我要窒息而死。但是,看起来你并不知道这些。Zhengbinghua,为什么,我们失去了才懂得珍惜。我知道如果我要难过的离开你,我会很难过,但 毕竟,我们在一起不止一年了。我爱你胜过他们的父母,因为我不能忘记那份爱。我仍然会再给你一次机会,但是我不知道自己的选择是错还是对,我相信爱,我相信你能改变,正如你说的那样,我可以拥有是好的 而你的承诺是那样的坚贞。我也不会离开你,请再给我一次机会,因我认为你真的很好,因为我爱你 你明白吗??我还相信你,请你告诉我那个荣誉的承诺!让相爱的人在一起。我需要你 你让我快乐,我会珍惜我们在一起的分分秒秒。Shanshan Zhengbinghua爱你想要你幸福,为了我们的将来,为了我们的承诺,我愿意付出。亲爱的, 我不能离开你,请你明白,我今生今世只爱你一个人你是我的一切,你的 hengbinghua。
第1个回答  2007-11-20
第2个回答  2007-11-20