英语高手帮忙翻译以下!! 谢谢啦~~~


希望翻译的人不要用什么软件翻译,那样很多地方根本读不通,英语高手自己翻译吧~~ 谢谢啦~~!!!!

第1个回答  2007-11-14
The 1930s world of the United States suffered a heavy blow economic crisis, the whole society in the Great Depression position, the atmosphere of pessimism in the entire American society. During this period, the United States appeared on the movie a child, she starred in a series of films full of joy, full of hope, chased away the hearts of the people of pent-bore, gave rise to the very gratified and encouraged. Her film quickly spread throughout the rest of the world, she quickly became known for the United States during the difficult child, and she is the charisma demonstrated by the American Film child - Xiulan Bo Deng infants.