
Apoem For Peace Guns, bombs, mines and tortures Form its massive sound But, within its power, winth its might And winthin its fearful threats Peace is not to be found If we kiss peopel, with whorn will welive The enemy is not a person, it lies within each os us Perhaps, just perhaps, it takes only one more person To shake the temple bell of compassion To light a candle of love, and to hoid up their hand Tn ourageous refusal To the enemies lurking winthin each of us To finally break the grip of violence over our worid then, truly shen, peacewill befound

第1个回答  2012-02-24
第2个回答  2012-02-24
里边有好多错词,还有,标点符号能清楚点吗? 和平诗——枪、弹、雷、酷刑组成巨大的声音——但是在它的威力、威压、威胁之下——找不到和平—— 如果我们杀死别人,那还和谁住在一起?—— 敌人不是一个人(建翔哥!),他存在于我们中间——如果,仅是如果,有人敲响怜悯的钟声,点燃关爱的蜡烛,举起双手——敢于拒绝潜伏在我们身边的敌人——击毁遍布世界的暴力之拳,然后,真正的和平到来了!本回答被提问者采纳