


命中注定这件事会发生的。-It was meant to be. (命运注定)--(很喜欢这句话:)

这是不可能的。-(That)can’t be.

这一定是一场梦。-It’s gotta be a dream.

你的态度很不端正。-You’ve got a real attitude problem.

用不着麻烦了MC Fly, 你没有机会了,你太像你老爸了-Why even bother MC Fly, you don’t have a chance. You’re too much like your old man.

如果他们不喜欢它,如果他们告诉我它并不怎么样,我该怎么办-What if they didn’t like it? What if they told me it was no good?

你们大家给他写封信也许比较好。-It’ll be nice you all drop him a line.(注意it 的用法)

别乱说话。-Watch your mouth.

给男孩打电话的女孩儿会招惹麻烦。-Any girl who calls the boy’s just asking for trouble.

你知道如果我交的作业是你的笔迹,将会发生什么事情吗?我会被踢出学校的。-You realize what would happen if I handed in my work in your handwriting? I’ll get kicked out of school.

我终于发明出来确实能用的东西了。-I finally invented something that works.

你可以带我到处走走。-You can show me around.

你还记得我吗?那天救了你的那个人就是我呀。-You remember me, the guy who saved your life the other day?

她连看都不看他一眼。-she didn’t even look at him.
第1个回答  2006-02-11
你死定了! You're a dead meat!