

Hello, my name is Ann, I'm 23 years old. I'm outgoing and fond of singing and dancing.I've ever done different kinds of jobs.I have an ability of fitting with the environment and i'm good at commmunicating with others as well.I hope I can have an opportunity to show myself here. That's all , thank you for reading so much.
第1个回答  2012-02-03
it's a pleasure to meet you!my name is ANN,and i'm 23.It might have come to you that i'm quite energetic.yes,i enjoy both singing and dancing.a variety of working experiences has cultivated in me the ability to handle all kinds of situations and adapt to changes.last but not the least,i,m good at communicating.i'd really appreciate it if you could offer me this opportunity,so in no case will i let you down.thank you!
第2个回答  2012-02-05
Hello, my name is ANN, 23 years old, my personality is open 郞, lively, love singing son, love to dance, in different kinds of work, I have strong ability to adapt to the environment, good at communication, in the hope that it will have a chance to show, thank you.