
我觉得作为歌手- -·

而歌手-蔡依林曾在自己的演唱会中说她是一位地才歌手。的确她一路不断努力,不断突破。从一个众人不知的青涩女生歌手一路不断地努力的练舞,从开始的同手同脚经过勤奋努力变成现在的人气亚洲舞娘- -

其实,我们现在看到的是蔡依林在舞台上光鲜亮丽的表演和精湛的舞技,听到的是好听的歌曲- -




我印象深刻的是其中一位艺人柳岩看过她的2010 Myself 小巨蛋演唱会后说过:“作为一个艺人,她是拿命在拼,对于演唱会中场讲话,她在舞台上哭的时候都是背过去哭,因为她不想让大家看到她的软弱。而当她转过身来的面对舞台下的观众的时候还是面带笑容”。



蔡依林不仅是一个具有舞台魅力的女神,蔡依林更是一种精神,除了她给大家带来那么多好听的歌曲和动感舞蹈之外- -·她的地才精神更是感动了无数年轻人。她努力而成功的背后故事感悟了多少人!这种精神是无形的。这是一种无价的财富。这种精神值得我们每个年轻人去学习,读懂蔡依林的努力,那么我们从她身上所学到的将是一生受益- -·

I think as a singer
Not just simply pass on to have good songs

The singer - Jolin Tsai was in his concert that she was a singer way before. She did all the way to continuous efforts to continue to make breakthroughs. I do not know everyone from a female singer all the way to the green efforts continue to dance practice, from the beginning of the same hand with the feet through hard work into the current popular Asian dancers - -

In fact, we now see is Jolin Tsai bright lights on stage performances and superb dancing, hear is a nice song - -

Ballet, steel, pommel horse, rings, head .... she performed countless fans in the audience screaming for her crazy too.

But the story behind her work number.
We see that only a few minutes of video on the screen it?

She never cried bitter, the way she insists that she wanted to give fans a surprise.

I was impressed by one of the artist Liu Yan read her 2010 Myself Arena after the concert said: "As an artist, she is to take life in the fight for the concert intermission speech, she cried on the stage cried all the time back in the past, because she did not want to let everyone see her weakness. and when she turned to face the next stage when the audience or smiling. "
I, as a fan. Outset like Jolin, but when I saw her step by step to continuously challenge. With the same hand from a foot, there is no dance skills, she now has a superb dancing; watching her continue to innovate and break, continue to give us a new dance and nice song; saw her dance practice efforts video, I read her share of work, persistence, and seriously, then I would prefer dedicated, worship her.

How many fans there because they know the story behind her hard and crazy in love with her. Her spirit has inspired her fans. As she said: efforts will be successful

Jolin Tsai's success story also said people come to a sentence: There are some genius, because complacency will be halfway through the dim light; there are some places it will not hesitate to spend the hard work effort so that they become different, become a classic legend.

Jolin Tsai is not only a charismatic stage goddess, Jolin Tsai is a spirit, in addition to her to give us so many good songs and dynamic dance outside - - * She is the spirit of the land was touched countless young people. Her efforts and success stories behind the sentiment of many people! This spirit is invisible. This is a priceless asset. This spirit should each of us young people to learn, read Jolin Tsai's efforts, we learned from her to be a lifetime benefit - -