
今年上半年,由于工厂搬迁,积压了很多订单,在赶生产的同时,我们忽略了对产品质量的管理. 当收到一些客户的对产品质量的反馈后,我们开始反思并查找原因. 随着经济危机的到来,很多公司的经营都受到了影响,我们公司也不例外. 但正是因为订单的减少, 这无疑也成为我们整顿生产提高产品质量的好时机.

对于XX公司上半年发走两个集装箱的货,硬度出现了很大的问题,胶板的硬度普遍偏硬. 在经过和你们的反复沟通后,我们对各个生产环节进行分析查找问题产生的原因,并多次进行实验,最后决定改良配方,用原胶代替油来控制产品的硬度.在配方改良后,橡胶板的硬度得到了控制,现在已经很稳定了.



In the first half of this year, as a result of the factory relocation, has piled up many order forms, while catches up with the production, we have neglected to the product quality management. When receives some customers after the product quality feedback, we start to reconsider and to search the reason. Along with economic crisis's arrival, many company's managements have come under the influence, our company is not exceptional. But is precisely because of the order form reduction, this also becomes us to reorganize the production without doubt to improve the product quality the timeliness. sent two container's goods in the first half of the year regarding XX company, degree of hardness had the very big problem, the off-set degree of hardness was generally hard. After passing through and you communicate repeatedly, we to each production link carry on the reason which the analysis search question produces, and carries on the experiment many times, the decide finally improvement formula, controls the product with the original adhesive tape for the oil degree of hardness. After formula improvement, rubber plate's degree of hardness was under the control, already was very now stable. off-set: RUBBER SHEET Corporation must come the customer, because before delivers goods the quality to have the question, this time comes is mainly must listen to us to the product quality control and the improvement, I have written the above thing simply first, is troublesome everybody to help to rescue saves a life ~ to help translator English, has thanked ~ first!
第1个回答  2008-11-01
In the first half of this year, due to the relocation of the plant, a lot of the backlog of orders, production time, we lose sight of the quality of management. Upon receiving a number of customers for product quality feedback, we start to reflect and find the reasons. With the The arrival of the economic crisis, many companies have been affected, our company is no exception. However, because of reduced orders, which also rectify the production of our products to improve the quality of a good time.

XX made in the first half of the company for taking two containers of goods, hardness encountered a big problem, the hardness of plastic Pianying general. After repeated communication with you, our analysis of the various production processes to find the causes and And many experiment, the final decision on the improved formula, the original oil in place of plastic to control the hardness of the product. In the improved formula, rubber sheet Hardness been brought under control, it is very steady.

第2个回答  2008-11-01