1)功课上的句子 请帮我中翻英!!!!!拜托了紧急!!禁止翻译软件!!寻求专业翻译 拜托了!!以下


1. 我选择这个孩子作为我的调查报告的原因是因为我觉得这个孩子来自的国家(iran)是个满特别的地方我很少接触和了解这个国家希望通过这次的调查我可以更了解有关他们国家的文化和传统之类的

2. 这个孩子已经两岁多了他和他的父母都是伊朗人(iran)

3. 他们在家都是讲他们的语言(Persian)和孩子沟通也是

4. Vafa是这个家中唯一一个孩子,也是第一个孩子
他没有任何兄弟姊妹 他出生在一个很正常的家庭
5. 他的父母都有硕士学位, 他们都是在他们在他们国家读完硕士才移民到加拿大的
现在的他们都有在工作父亲在大学当教授而母亲则是在贸易公司工作( 他的工作是打电话负责联系和接洽之类的事务所以她可以待在家工作就可以了)

他们的经济情况是不错的, 因为他们俩个人都有在工作所以经济上对他们而言是没有问题的


(Please note that I did not translate word by word. I tried to rewrite the sentences in English while preserving the meaning as much as possible while removing some unnecessary repetition. As it is for your homework, I hope that you can learn a bit how to translate instead of coping exactly word by word for submission. As I wrote the paragraphs in a rush, please feel free to make amendment as you wish.)

1. I chose this child for my survey report is because he comes from Iran, a very special place of which I know very little. I hope that through this survey I am able to learn more things about this country such as their culture and tradition.

2. This child, whose parents are both Iranian, is two years old. Since 2005 when they migrated to Canada, they have been here for ten years. They chose this country for migration because they thought that Canada was rich in resource, while the education system and remuneration were attractive.

3. They use Persian in their family, including speaking to Vafa. As Vafa is still developing his language skill at the age of two, they wish that he can learn and speak Persian. However, in the kindergarten, they hope that Vafa can communicate in English or French. As we all use these two languages in the school, Vafa naturally talk to us in them.

4. Vafa is the only child and also the first child of this family. Born in a normal family, he does not have any sibling.

5. Both his parents obtained their Master's degrees from their own country before moving to Canada and are now working. His father is a professor in university while his mother works in a trading company (her job allows her to work from home as she is mainly responsible of co-ordination and discussions via phone calls).

They are quite well off as both of them are working and thus there is no financial issue.

However, I find that in this circumstances, there could be some impact on the relationship between them and their child.

With his parents busy at work, and in addition to the adaptation to the new environment and languages, to a certain extend the child will have feelings of anxiety, insecurity and difficulty in adaptation, and will release his emotions by crying non-stop.追答

Someone replied you and you have already accepted his/her answer.

第1个回答  推荐于2016-07-11

    The reason why I choose this child to carry out my survey is that he is from a very special country(Iran),which I myself rarely connect and learn about. Therefore,I want to know more about the culture and traditions and the alike of the country through this survey.
    The child has more than twenty-four months old and he and his were both natives of Iran. They have  been in Canada since ten years ago(2005). They thought Canada is rich in resourses and it is an attractive place whether in education or working payment,so they chose  this country for their  immigration desstinnation.
    They speak their own language (Persian)in their family,including communicating with their child. Because Vafa has just been  two years old and he is the development of his language ability , they hope Vafa can learn and has the habit of speaking Persian. However,they hope Vafa can learn to communicate with others in English or French when he is the kindergarten.That is also because we all speak English and communicate with one another in the kindergarten,so it is natural for Vafa to communicate with us in English.


    Vafa is the first and the only child of this family.That is to say, he has no brother or sister and he was born in a normal family.

Both his parents have got their 

他们的经济情况是不错的, 因为他们俩个人都有在工作所以经济上对他们而言是没有问题的


谢谢你 大恩人

还有 这两道题也麻烦你了 >< 非常感激不尽 !!

2)功课上的句子 请帮我中翻英!!!!!拜托了紧急!!禁止翻译软件!!寻求专业翻译 拜托了!!以下

3)功课上的句子 请帮我中翻英!!!!!拜托了紧急!!禁止翻译软件!!寻求专业翻译 拜托了!!以下


Both his parents have got their Master's Degrees and they came here after they had finished their study in their own country.At present,they both have their own jobs with the father working as a professor in a university and mother in a business company(She is in charge of connections and receptions by making phon calls, so she can make it at home)

They are quite good in economy because they both have jobs .As a result,they have no problems in economy. And I think the child will be influenced more or less in the feelings in such a case.

Because the parents are busy with their jobs and they have to adapt to the new environment and the new language,the child will be more or less in anxiety and unease in feelings ,so he is always crying to lose his temper.
