
Most people love animls because thye are useful in many ways.They add more fun to our life.
We find many different kinds of animals on the earth.Some animals,such leopards,wolves,pandas and foxes live in big forests.They are calld wild animais.Most of them are dangerous.Some of them are afraid of people.We can only watch them inthe zoo.Some others like cows and dogs live with men.They are calld domestic animals.
Animals are important to men.Men catch wild aninals for fur and meat.Skins of foxes and crocodiles can be madeinto coats and shoes.
Peopie are now stopped from killing wild animals in order that wild animals can be protected.Domestic animals can not only give men food,but also help men with some farm work.Without them,life could be less fun and more difficult.People get meat from sheep and pigs.From cows,we get milk .Horses can take us to other places.On farms,animals sre used to plough filds.
It is clesr that men can't live without animals.Let's protect animals.Theyare our best friends.
Birds live in trees.Squirreis live in trees.But do you know that some frogs live in trss,too?
Tree frogs are hard tofind.Thye can change color.On green leaves,they stay green.On a brown branch,they keep brown.Some tree frogs can change from greento gold or blue.
Tree froges have legs and wide feet.They have sticky pads(爪垫)at the end of theor toes.These sticky toe pads keep the tree frogs from falling.
Tree frogs have different colors and markinfs on their skins.Theireyes are different,too.Some have green eyes,some gray.some forgs'eyes are gold,and some are bright red.
The sounds they make in spring and summer are different,too.One frog makes a sound like adog barking.Another forg makes a loud noise like a snore(打呼). There is even a frog that whistles(吹口哨)!

大多数人都很喜欢动物,因为它们在很多方面是很有用处的,它们给我们的生活增添乐趣。我们可以发现各种各样的生物生存在这个地球上,一些动物,比如豹,狼,熊和狐狸生活在大森林中,它们被称为野生动物, 它们中的大多数是濒危的,它们中的一些很惧怕人类,我们只能在动物园中看到它们,其他像牛,狗,生活在人类身边,它们被称为家畜。动物对人类是很重要的,人类为了毛皮和肉捕杀野生动物,狐狸和鳄鱼的皮可以制作成衣服和鞋子。人类现在为了保护野生动物而阻止对野生动物的捕杀。家畜不仅给人类提供食物,还帮助人类干活,如果没有它们,生活将会失去乐趣并且变得艰难。人可以从羊和猪身上得到肉,从牛身上得到奶,马可以带我们去别的地方,在农田,动物用来耕地,很显然,人类不能离开动物,让我们保护它们,它们是我们的好朋友