
Body language is common but different in different countries,it is important to know that,or we will be misunderstood.the handshake is a formal greeting,and you should shake hands with others firmly,because thes shows that you are friendly person,and as a friend,you may place your hand on others'shoulders,or greet your friends with a hug.
It is not polite either to stare at others or not to look the other person in the eye when you are talking,the former one make person uncomfortable,and the latter one means you are not interested or hiding something.
In America,you may make a movement with your hands as if you are signing a piece of paper to call the writer,it is all right to point at things but not at people with your index finger except to a child.You may scold a child by shaking your index finger or admire them by patting them on the head.However,the same gesture would has different meanings in different countries,and the smile is the safest thing

身体语言是共同的,但不同在不同的国家,重要的是要知道,或我们将misunderstood.the握手是一个正式的问候,您应该握手坚定地同其他国家,因为thes表明,你是友善的人,并作为朋友,您可以将您的手others'shoulders ,或问候你的朋友的一个拥抱。
在美国,您可以以运动作为你的手如果你是签署一纸呼吁作家,这是所有权利点事,但没有人与你的食指,除非一个child.You可能骂1孩子的晃动食指或欣赏他们的拍拍他们的head.However ,同样的姿态将有不同的含义在不同的国家,和微笑是最安全的事情
第1个回答  2008-12-16