

I was mainly responsible for the process of the demands for software from various departments of the company and the maintenance of corporate interior network system. In XXX, I joined XXXX in charge of product sales in XX. I become familiar with the market by that experience, which also taught me how to work under pressure.
第1个回答  2008-10-27
I deal with the various departments and corporate demand for software and network system maintenance. XXXX in the year I joined the company is responsible for product sales in the city of XX, through the job I have a good understanding of the market, while also training their ability to bear pressure
第2个回答  2008-10-27
???? ??????????????????????? To filthy worm-eaten? Division???? Division???? System?? Victoria ????? ? 2008??? One???? Only? Secretary Secretary ?????????? Goods?? Zheng??? Armed???? Jia?-Scopolamine ????????? Leaves ?? Harmonic???? Xiongshao tear-mei?? Learn private � �? Also about ??????? ????? ???????? pressure
第3个回答  2008-10-27
My main processing departments of software requirements and companies and network system maintenance. I joined in XXXX years now, responsible for products in XX market sales, the job I have good understanding market, at the same time, it also exercise themselves under pressure