
Dear Sirs,L/C No.244—5M/T Frozen Rabbit Meat We thank you for your L/C No.244 for the captionged goods .We are sorry that owning to some delay on the part of our suppliers ,we are unble to get the goods ready before the ebd of this month.So we write to you asking for an extention. It is expected thar the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of May and we are arranging to ship it on S.S “Red Star ”sailing from Shanghai on May 10.We are looking forward to receiving your extention of the above L/C ,thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goods in question . Yours faithfully

Dear Sirs, (尊敬的先生),
L/C No.244—5M/T Frozen Rabbit Meat (L/C No.244-4M/T 冷冻兔肉)
Wethank you for your L/C No.244 for the captioned goods (非常感谢您对标题所提货物(L/C No.244)的订购).We are sorrythat owning to some delay on the part of our suppliers (很抱歉,由于部分供应商的原因 而导致的延误),we are unableto get the goods ready before the end of this month.((使得)我们无法在本月前将所有货物准备妥当)。 So we write to youasking for an extention.(因此写信请求您能多宽限我们些时日) It is expected that theconsignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of May and weare arranging to ship it on S.S “Red Star ”sailing from Shanghai on May10. (预计能在5月初左右将所有委托之物准备齐全,并定于5月10号从上海的"S.S Red Star"货轮启航)
We are looking forward to receiving your extention of theabove L/C (期待能早日收到您对于L/C同意延缓的决定),thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goods in question (这样我们将竭尽所能将如上所说的货物如期运到). Yours faithfully(您忠实的,)
第1个回答  2013-07-06
Dear Sirs,L/C No.244—5M/T Frozen Rabbit Meat信用证号244-5M/T, 冻兔肉 We thank you for your L/C No.244 for the captionged goods .We are sorry that owning to some delay on the part of our suppliers ,we are unble to get the goods ready before the ebd of this month.So we write to you asking for an extention. 谢谢你的信用证号244关于标题上提到的产品。很抱歉,我们的部分供应商没能及时提供货特,我们没办法在这个月底前备齐货特。因此,写信肯请延期。It is expected thar the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of May and we are arranging to ship it on S.S “Red Star ”sailing from Shanghai on May 10.We are looking forward to receiving your extention of the above L/C ,thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goods in question . 预期货物备齐以赶5月10号从上海开船的船"Red Star ”。期待收到以上提及信用证的延期确认,我们才能装运该货物。Yours faithfully你忠诚的 里面单词有好几处错误
第2个回答  2013-07-06

升/ �0�4 No.244 - 500万/吨冻兔肉



我们期待着收到超逾L /炭你延伸的,从而使我们能够对有问题的货物的装运。
