
One of the towns that took part in the project was Hull, a city in England. Forty-five tables were put into the city. Jakob Adamski, an ESOL. student learning. English, said, “I really enjoyed playing table tennis in the park. It was also a good way for me to practise my English and meet people.”

首先,第一句话的结构:one of the towns 是该句话的主语,后面that took part in the project 是定语从句,was是系动词,Hull是名词作表语,a city in England是Hull的同位语,也可以看作补语。
翻译:工程涉及到的一个城市是英格兰境内的一个城市,叫Hull(霍尔)。城市中放置了45张桌子(应该是一种特殊的桌子,比如乒乓球桌)。Jakob Adamski(人名),Esol(桥大学ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages考试中心)的一名学习英语的学生,他说:我真的很喜欢在公园中打乒乓球。这也是一种让我锻炼英语,与人沟通很好的方式。

第1个回答  2013-04-19
One of the towns that took part in the project was Hull that后面是定语从句 修饰towns 意思是在项目中的一个城镇是在英格兰的一个城市,Hull。
四十五张桌子被够入城市。Jakob Adamski(雅各布 亚当斯基)ESOL。 (an ESOL. student learning. English原文存在问题,不影响句意表达),说,“我真的很喜欢在公园里打乒乓球。这也是我练习英语和结识人的好方法本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-04-19
主系表结构。主语是一个主语从句one of the towns that took part in the project.参加这个项目中的一个镇是hull,英格兰的一个城市。城市中被安置了45张桌子。jakob adamski,一个用其他语言学英语的学生说:“我真的非常喜欢在公园里打乒乓球,这是我练习英语并且与见到更多的人的一个好机会。”
第3个回答  2013-04-19
One of the towns that took part in the project was Hull, a city in England. Forty-five tables were put into the city. Jakob Adamski, an ESOL. student learning. English, said, “I really enjoyed playing table tennis in the park. It was also a good way for me to practise my English and meet people.”

第4个回答  2013-04-19