



关于印度音乐的断想 在世界民族音乐的百花园中,印度音乐是一种历史悠久,传统丰厚,特色鲜明的音乐,它在几百年的英国殖民统治下不仅没有被同化,在极艰苦的条件下比较完整地保存下来了。而且还进一步将某些欧洲乐器同化为印度的民族乐器,这不能不说是人类文化史上的一个奇迹,为什么会如此,不得不引起人们的深思。


传统的凯尔特音乐是以歌为基础的,并以抒发关于爱情和英雄的传说为主,运用大量的快步舞曲和在跳舞时演奏的旋转曲调的乐器。一连串相关联的乐器,像宝斯莱鼓般的手持鼓和多种的管乐器在常常独奏或小型组合中被音乐家们使用。现代凯尔特音乐已经从the New Age类型中受到了主要的影响,它的在流行和摇滚上的影响是两种途径的。

World Folk Music
World on how many kinds of music? This is a very difficult question to answer. The easiest answer can be Chinese music and foreign music, or is instrumental and vocal, but it seems too simplistic, not illustrate the problem. If the countries of the world there are more than 100 kinds of music. But the problem is that some countries, though different, but basically the same music, and some Although it is one country, the internal race, ethnicity, culture vary greatly, the music is often very different ...

Latin American music
Latin America including Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean, this region contains a rich cultural and musical heritage. Central America and parts of the Amazon basin Indians living in lowland areas; Mexico, Guatemala, the lives of aboriginal Andes; the Caribbean, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guinea, Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil, non-Northeast American, as well as scattered in South America speak Spanish and Portuguese immigrant, and their different but it is also controlled by the Latin American unity and the development of folk music.

Asia-Pacific countries Music
Music for its own expressions, tone, intensity, and to the use and control of many of these is the oriental music very seriously. Asian Music Another common feature is not sensitive clever use of a certain pitch Hitting instruments. Whether in the East or the West point of view, the goal of the same music we are the common pursuit. We should be talking about integration rather than impact. Allow integration of different traditions into a new mainstream, all the music will be integrated into the concept of a huge tide of the music. But we also need to identify every culture in order to maintain its identity.

Indian music
Thoughts on the music of India in the world of folk music in the 100 Garden, Indian music is a kind of a long history and rich tradition, distinctive music, in its several hundred years of British colonial rule did not assimilation, in very difficult conditions compared and the preservation of integrity. But also some European instruments will be further assimilation of India's musical instruments, which can not but say that the history of human culture is a miracle, so why can not but arouse people to think deeply.

European folk music
Europe's Iberian Peninsula Spain, Portugal music, Western music on the one hand and the same with the general common, on the other hand, the legacy of the ethnic music of the impact of unique. Both the scale, melody or rhythm, harmony, singing and voice, in many ways have shown the rest of Europe are not factors. Particularly its rhythm, a lot of three beat of music, but not as monotonous Waltz, but more delicate and more dynamic.

Celtic music
Celtic traditional music is song-based, and to express the love and heroic legend mainly spend a huge amount of quickstep dance and dance tunes played rotary instrument. Linked to a series of musical instruments, like the drum-like handheld Poncelet amid drum and a wide range of instruments in solo or small portfolio often been used by musicians. Modern Celtic music from the New Age types are a major impact, and in the pop and rock is the influence of two ways.
第1个回答  2008-04-08

Race music in the world
Actually have how many kinds of music in the world?This be the problem of a very difficult answer.The easy answer can be Chinese music and foreign music, perhaps is an instrumental music harmony joy, but this seemed to be to too and in brief turn, can't explain a problem.If press the nation to compute, there are 100 various music in the world.But the problem lie in having some nations although dissimilarity, music basic likeness, have of though a nation, internal human race, race, cultural difference very big, music is usually very different......

Pull beautiful music
The Latin America includes Mexico, Central America, South America and region in Caribbean and this region contains abundant culture and music inheritance.The American Indian in the low ground whom parts of regions in the Central America and river valley in Amazon River live;Mexico, Guatemala, Anne Si mountain range the aborigine of the life;The Caribbean region, Ecuador, Guyana, method belongs to guinea, Venezuela, Columbia and Brazil in the northeast not descendant's American;And asunder speak the emigrant descendant of the Spanish and Portuguese language in South America, they differently in the meantime again is unified a ground of holding to pull beautiful folks music of development.

Music in Pacific Asia all countries
For the facial expression, tone color of sound, strength, take into various usage and control, these are exactly eastern music to value very much.Asia music of another totally and together the special features be skillfully the knock musical instrument that the sensitive uses to without certain pitch.In spite of see from the east or the western standpoint, all of the music targets of this homology are what we together pursues.We should discuss rather than the fusion influence.Let the different traditional fusion become one lately essential, integrate all music ideas a huge music current.But we even need to make sure each culture to keep its characteristic.

India music
As for break of India music think in the all flowers park of race music in the world, India music is that a kind of history is long, tradition big, the special features fresh and clear music, it in several a hundred years of England colonize rule under not only wasn't assimilate, more and completely kept down under the very hard condition.And return further assimilate some and European musical instrument for India of race musical instrument, there in no don't say to be mankind to be a miracle on the cultural histories, why will have to cause people's deep thought thus.

European race music
The European Yi on the other hand has with music in Western Europe mutually generally total than Spain, Portuguese music of the benefit second peninsula, is loose to stay on the other hand of each race music of influence but only have special features.Regardless being a scale, melody or being a rhythm, harmony and singing on stage with phonation is regardlessin many ways and all expressing the factor have no by European other regions.Especially it of rhythm, there is much music of three beats, but be unlike waltz again then monotone, but Be getting more delicate, have a movement more.

The traditional Celtic takes song as basal of, and take expressing legend concerning the love and the hero as lord, usage a great deal of of quick step dance music with give musical performance while dance of revolve the musical instrument of melody.A series of related allied musical instruments, the hand which is like the treasure Si Lai drum a sort's holding the wind instrument of drum and variety is use by the musicians in usually the solo or the small scaled combination.The modern Celtic has already been subjected to main influence from the New Age type, it of is two kinds of paths in the fad and the influence on the rock'n roll.
第2个回答  2008-04-09
第3个回答  2008-04-08