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The old-age paternalism of southern Canadians over the Eskimos has died more slowly in the rural villages where Eskimos have been more reluctant to voice their opinions aggressively. This has been a frustration to government officials trying to develop local leadership amongst the Eskimos, but a blessing to other departments whose plans have been accepted without local obstruction. In rural areas the obligations of kinship often run counter to the best interests of the village and potential leaders were restrained from making positive contribution to the village council. More recently, however, the educated Eskimos have been voicing the interests of those in the rural areas. They are trying to persuade the government to recognize the rights of fulltime hunters, by protecting their hunting territories from mining and oil prospectors, for example. The efforts of this active minority are percolating through to the remoter villages whose inhabitants are becoming increasingly vocal. Continuing change is inevitable but future development policy in Ungava must recognize that most Eskimos retain much of their traditional outlook on life. New schemes should focus on resources that the Eskimos are used to handling as the Port Burwell projects have done, rather than on enterprises such as mining

第1个回答  2013-09-28
第2个回答  2013-09-28